A close call with 2 time trialists.

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Have you ever SMIDSYed a car when on your bike? That's what these cyclists nearly did. If not why? Are you not a timetriallist?

Ming the Merciless

There is no mercy
Inside my skull
If a car had swerved from lane 1 to lane 2 without signalling this debate would vilify them for their careless and inconsiderate driving.

Actually you wouldn’t as car drivers manoeuvring without indicating has become a joke “BMWs aren’t fitted with indicators etc”. It’s so common place its rarely commented upon.


Legendary Member
Costa Clyde
Actually you wouldn’t as car drivers manoeuvring without indicating has become a joke “BMWs aren’t fitted with indicators etc”. It’s so common place its rarely commented upon.

But a BMW driver might check his mirror before changing lane, and will of course be going faster than the traffic in that lane*, rather than wandering out at 25/30 mph into traffic moving at 60/70mph..
*Unless the other traffic happens to be Audis, Mercedes, or Range Rovers.
But a BMW driver might check his mirror before changing lane, and will of course be going faster than the traffic in that lane*, rather than wandering out at 25/30 mph into traffic moving at 60/70mph..
*Unless the other traffic happens to be Audis, Mercedes, or Range Rovers.

tl, dr: Drivers do it too.
(Perhaps Audi/BMW drivers more than others, this is just popular opinion without - as yet - evidence)

I suspect it is so common, Brandane doesn't think anything of it; so doesn't bother to ... express his astonishment on a forum.


South Wales
Perhaps they are fully signed up to the changes in the Highway Code brought in in January 2022. Did they fail any of these changes?

The latest changes to The Highway Code include:
• Giving people walking across the road and cyclists going straight ahead, priority when turning in and out of junctions
Leaving at least 1.5 metres when overtaking cyclists at speeds of up to 30mph and to give them more space when overtaking at higher speeds.
• When passing people riding a horse or driving a horse-drawn vehicle at speeds under 10 mph allowing them at least 2 metres of space
• Allowing at least 2 metres of space and keep to a low speed when passing a person who is walking in the road
• Encouraging people driving vehicles to look over their shoulder behind them to see people cycling or walking nearby, before they open their door
Cyclists may ride in the centre of the road or two abreast for their own safety, whilst allowing others to overtake when it is safe for them to do so

On the other hand, if the width of the carriageway on an A class road is 3.65m minus the width of the car, there is not a lot of space you might be able to give them.

From what was written, the car driver (Brandane) was giving them plenty of room by moving into the next lane, but then they moved across (switching lanes) in front of him, meaning he had to take avoiding action by using the third lane.

IMV, from the description given, the cyclists were entirely at fault. You can't just change lanes without checking there is nothing coming up behind you in that lane.


Legendary Member
Costa Clyde
tl, dr: Drivers do it too.
(Perhaps Audi/BMW drivers more than others, this is just popular opinion without - as yet - evidence)

I suspect it is so common, Brandane doesn't think anything of it; so doesn't bother to ... express his astonishment on a forum.

I thought we had covered that one. There is a big difference between the vulnerability of cyclists carrying out such a stupid move compared to drivers with the protection of 4 wheels, a metal cage, airbags, crumple zones etc.. More's the pity. They might pay more attention to the road if they DIDN'T have all that protection. Perhaps the TT guys I encountered are BMW/Audi/Merc drivers when not cycling.
Have you ever SMIDSYed a car when on your bike? That's what these cyclists nearly did. If not why? Are you not a timetriallist?

I have NO clue what this means :P

I'm probably not a perfect driver (although never caused a crash with other drivers), and not a perfect cyclist. I've done 3x24h time trials, just to name-drop mention a few of many, and don't recall causing any near-misses in that time.

Hope that helps! x
It means you've got more sense than those two TTers in that you've never tried to side swipe a car when riding your bike. If the OP hadn't reacted that seems a real potential result of their unchecked lane change.

Long may you continue your time trials with safe riding habits!


Today i follow the flying spaghetti monster
Leafy Surrey
You really cannot be expected to anticipate them also changing lanes without indicating or even looking.
I agree that cyclists are not expected to change lanes so suddenly/carelessly/dangerously, but I strongly disagree with your assertion it cannot be anticipated.
Had Brandane described a car swerving in that manner, we'd all nod and say how depressingly common it was.
So common, in fact, that I already avoid using lane 2 for overtaking if there is a car in the adjacent lane1/exit slip - far safer to move out into lane 3 in that situation.

Obviously I'm diverging from the scenario described by Brandane, but the principles of anticipation are just the same.
I give bikes an even wider safety margin than cars... don't you?
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