Shoulda said that in smileys.That's bollocks.
Shoulda said that in smileys.That's bollocks.
What I was offering in that long ago place and time was a choice rarely given on forums: an opportunity to post in a smiley-free zone. Needless to say I wasn't thanked for it, and am still awaiting forgiveness in some quarters.Thank you, Shaun - if you didn't offer the opportunity, the forum would surely be a sadder, less forgiving place?
Or for people that know far too many words but are restraining themselves because they don't want to be banned from CCBollocks, they are for people who don't know enough words to express themselves.
See cc - Silly Love
and what about the eggs, to go with the bacon?Stop all these pictures!
Unicode Consortium character for 2016. Bacon is also in there. I can think of rasher things to emojify...
Or, realistically...
Any Clowns Forthcoming?
I find it rather sad
Many years ago, way back in the early ages of man, there was communication by pictures:
Then man realised the limitations and developed language with its rich range of things called words. In doing so man enabled a higher level of communication with nuance, context and he ability to address complex subjects
Now we are simply too lazy to use that language and are going back to using pictures in the same way as the early cave dwellers
in the same way as the early cave dwellers
That's bollocks.
Shoulda said that in smileys.
Teef's good with emoticons. Most people aren't. I couldn't do bollocks. Have some norks instead.
No. You have the nicer plums, but neither yours nor Martin's is an emoticon. We'll have @User's cherry. If you'll pardon the expression.Do I win?