Armchair Cyclist
Does that say farted on the jacket?
I always carry a hip flask of the finest single malt in my breast pocket for this very purpose.
I sometimes wonder how strong cycling glasses are when it comes to being hit by a stone. ...
Once during the winter something hit me hard in the mouth, similarly it was most likely a chunk of grit or stone off the road flicked up by a passing car. Fortunately I was wearing a buff - otherwise it would have almost certainly gone into my mouth, causing me to choke and die whilst swerving all over the road causing an enormous pile up, fire, and eventually the apocolypse.
If you've ever been climbing too late in the day in the Alps, falling stones make an interesting variety of buzzing noises as they spin while travelling at 120 mph past your head.
What's a "serac"? Other than something that kills you if it falls on you sort of thing.
Descending into a valley one day I passed a truck at speed and felt a small ping on my chest.
Upon returning home and retrieving the pocket-sized edition of God Delusion from my breast pocket I found a sharp stone embedded all the way into chapter seven. Of course he would deny it but I now worship Dawkins as a god.