90 miles a day for 3 days... How to recover after each ride?

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Kilometre nibbler
Don't do anything on the event that you haven't already tried.

Re drinks, I use a powdered sports drink that supposedly has carbs and electrolytes and whatnot.

The main reason I use this and not, say, squash is because it comes in powder form so I can carry some with me for when I refill my bottle with water, meaning I have a constant supply of something that I know I like. (which also has carbs etc)


Active Member
Got back from the ride yesterday. I did it! Apart from being ultra slow on hills, 3 punctures and a brief ride in the medic van due to mild heat exhaustion, it was mainly a smooth ride. It wound up being 95 miles day 1, 115 day 2 and 113 on day 3, so longer than expected. What I learned:
  • The middle of the peloton makes it possible for me to keep up with the stronger riders.
  • I'm much better at riding at a lower cadence in a harder gear. Spinning in an easy gear just wears me right out.
  • Day 1, and the first hours of Day 2 and Day 3 are the hardest, but once you get moving it's great.
  • Clif Blok is incredible stuff.
  • Cheese and tomato baguettes are my refuel of choice.
  • I never want to eat another cake or Haribo ever again.
Thanks for all the great advice!
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Cat 6 Racer
The Red Enclave
Got back from the ride yesterday. I did it!

Well done!

I'm just back from a multi-day long-distance event myself and learnt a few more useful tips along the way.

Best thing I learnt is that nuts are brilliant ride food. Among the offerings at feed stations were little bags of pistachios, and Rude Health peanut bars. Those were the two things I kept going back to for the duration of the event (OK, those and the pork pies.)


Active Member
Are you ok? You're speaking gibberish. This makes no sense. Medic! MEDIC!


A few days have gone by and fortunately it was only temporary. I can now consider cake. :rofl:
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