There's something that's endearing, fascinating and annoying all at the same time about Audaxing and its endless acronyms.

I've just been off to the
A BRM is a
Brevet de Randonneurs Mondiaux and a BR is
Brevet de Randonneurs So what's the difference? Well, the FAQ tells us:
Whilst not dissimilar in conduct to BRM events the speed limits are subtly different. Ah. (Nods sagely). Not dissimilar eh? Right, I see. (Fails to keep straight face and bursts out in hysterical laughter).
By the way, having given it quite a bit of thought, and looked at the routes and logistics, it's almost certain that if I do attempt 400k next year, (and there's no guarantee that I will), I'll use the "roll out of bed and start right outside my front door" method, rather than doing an organised event.