3 years ? ago. Scotland. Cyclist went missing. Anyone familiar with this ?

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Interesting back story in this article.
The police were already looking at these guys for some time. They had the knowledge and ability to dispose of dead deer on a remote farm. So getting rid of a body was easy for them.
The police received an anonymous letter in 2019 and one of the idiots confessed to a girl friend, who deliberately dropped a red bull can at the burial site to help the police find it. ( the first rule of committing a crime is never tell anyone)
The autopsy said although Tony was probably still alive after the crash his injuries would almost certainly have been fatal.

Most people would be able to do this if they had to surely? Its hardly difficult if your an adult with a large van etc.
Callousness passed from father to sons; more background info. The father, Tom McKellar, should have received a custodial sentence for his crimes against wildlife back in 2012. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-scotland-glasgow-west-19517341

"Police were alerted after a golden eagle was found dead on the slopes of Beinn Udlaidh, near Bridge of Orchy, after being poisoned with carbofuran.
During searches at the Auch Estate, officers found quantities of carbofuran in three separate containers and traces of it within a syringe.
They also found a dead fox, which had been poisoned, and a sheep carcass laced with carbofuran.
A Webley revolver and a Browning pistol were also recovered
When interviewed by police, McKellar indicated that he had, in the past, placed carbofuran on meat for foxes to eat.
Following the searches, McKellar pleaded guilty at Oban Sheriff Court in April to possessing carbofuran.
He also admitted, during an appearance at the High Court in Glasgow in November last year, four charges relating to the illegal possession of firearms.
McKellar was later sentenced to 300 hours of community service for these offences.
He was fined over possession of carbofuran during a further appearance at Oban Sheriff Court on Friday.
Following his fine, Craig Harris, head of the Crown's wildlife and environmental crime unit, said: "Carbofuran is an extremely toxic pesticide and even the tiniest amounts can be fatal to our wildlife.
"Possession of carbofuran is illegal and those who unlawfully retain stocks can expect to be brought before the court.
"This conviction and sentence should serve as a warning to anyone who thinks about keeping this substance."
However, the RSPB's head of investigations, Ian Thomson, said it was "very disappointed" that no-one had been charged with poisoning the golden eagle.

300 hours of community service is nothing and hardly a warning to others is it? These horrible people need to be in prison.
This is real life, but in fiction if anyone watches the series Black Mirror there is an episode eerily similar to this though it was written and released before the truth of this story was known.

It's called 'Crocodile', Series 4 Episode 3. Just fair warning it gets quite violent but the basic premise that bookends the story is like this real life tragedy.


Leg End Member
Most people would be able to do this if they had to surely? Its hardly difficult if your an adult with a large van etc.
A body, whatever it may be of, is going to require lifting, usually in a large sheet. If they had the licence to dispose of dead animals, there'd have been fewer people liable to be asking questions about what they were doing. Even if they asked no-one but themselves.
Most people would be able to do this if they had to surely? Its hardly difficult if your an adult with a large van etc.

It's harder than you think I reckon. Doing it undetected and leaving no evidence in the car and then being able to dispose of it again without being seen and in a place where it won't be found ?

I'm sure I'd be rubbish at it. I can't think of any good places to hide a body.
It's harder than you think I reckon. Doing it undetected and leaving no evidence in the car and then being able to dispose of it again without being seen and in a place where it won't be found ?

I'm sure I'd be rubbish at it. I can't think of any good places to hide a body.

Plenty of people manage it o.k though.
I don't think there is any public information that he was murdered - it could be that he was killed by a vehicle whilst cycling and the driver/drivers friends buried the body. This makes no difference to the deceased but might do to his friends and family and certainly does (rightly or wrongly) in law.

In the USA they would most likely be charged with at least manslaughter. Idk bit hiding the body might get it bumped up to 2nd degree.
Plenty of people manage it o.k though.

Do they though?
I bet there's not a huge amount of unsolved murders each year.

Unless you're confessing ?


Über Member
I can think of some very effective means of cadaver and evidence disposal, but discretion and valour and all that. Were I a criminal I'd be a real arriss to catch.

Do they though?
I bet there's not a huge amount of unsolved murders each year.

Unless you're confessing
Theres a lot of unsolved murders and a lot of missing people as well so make of that what you will.
Jill Dando, Claudia Lawrence are just two that spring to mind that have been high profile. I can think of local murders where they have never found the person responsible. Theres hundreds.


Über Member
Ah, but one has to buy or procure such a commodity and that leaves a trail. The way I'd do it - and I'm not revealing for many hopefully obvious reasons - would not,
A Breaking Bad reference - one of the most unrealistic things is they have that stuff lying around a high school!

HF is really nasty stuff, although it's not actually a strong acid.

I mean, I once was trying to electrolyse water, and forgot that you had to be discerning about what you used to make the water conductive. I chose table salt... and came back to find that I'd produced a load of chlorine gas in my bedroom. Of course the solution left behind there is sodium hydroxide, so a competent chemist could probably avoid leaving an obvious trail.


South Wales
A Breaking Bad reference - one of the most unrealistic things is they have that stuff lying around a high school!

HF is really nasty stuff, although it's not actually a strong acid.
They would probably have some, but nowhere near enough to dissolve even one body, never mind the numbers they did.
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