So in the end I let my heart rule my head and why not, it's why we enjoy our pastimes isn't it. I have no idea if a 29er will suit me more but I do know I'm excited by the thought of building one, riding one and owning one, so reasoned decisions can do one.
Today I bought...
along with the X-fusion forks that Kinesis commonly fit, reviewed
That's pretty much blown my budget and I shall be selling my children and the dog to complete the build, please give generously. The bike shop threw in a tapered headset and fitting and a bunch of other stuff and once I get the frame and forks next week I'll start a build thread which initially won't have too many posts as I do need to find some extra cash now. I'll probably get some Superstar wheels because there's an offer on but after that I'm out.
If you want the logic of the decision............actually there isn't any...
One word if you go for a 650b bike, right now you won't have much choice on tyres, forks and wheels and they cost, which will probably change in 12 months.