muck away was significantly reduced compared to other projects of similar size ( Ok you have to do some adding up of projects as the olympic park is so big) the on site soil hospitals ( quaint name isn't it) meant a huge reduction in what would have been taken away to be cleaned. demolition waste was cleaned on site and reused as much as possible, the north Plaza which joins onto the A12 at Hackney wick/Leainterchange was the preffered route onto the park , the athletes village entrance was on temple mills lane which was closed to pedestrians and cyclists ( although some foolhardy ones did still use the route
) and had wash stations at the exits.
the use of the canals and waterways on/around the park to full potential would have been an further improvement I suppose.
wheel washes were used on the park venues and were mandatory, CLM actively stopped work on venues if wheelwashes and any residues were allowed onto the main park highways as the Environment agency were actively monitoring, there was/is a fleet of sweepers keeping the roadways clear on the park to reduce external contamination of roadways. all noted in the weekly inspections i have had to do as part of the environmental monitoring to ensure compliane with COPA1974 ( a good year for acts of parliament).