229 Points And Still Driving

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South Wales
I don't agree one iota with the sentiment, I feel it's entirely without justification.

It simply allows criminality without consequence.

I do agree with the sentiment above, but it should be applied MUCH more rigorously.

There are around 38,000 motorists banned for 12 points each year, but around 8,000-9,000 who reach 12 points but don't get a ban. It should be genuinely exceptional, not something that around 1 in 5 who reach the 11 points can exploit. And only ever ONCE. There is no excuse for breaking the law again once you have been given that chance.
It isn't supposed to be "hardship" for you, but rather for others who depend on you. The idea being that the offender should be punished, but innocent dependents should not be.

Understood, but if I lose my professional licence my dependents would also experience hardship, and I know exactly what the judge would say if I tried to use that excuse to avoid losing it; and quite right too.


self serving virtue signaller
I do agree with the sentiment above, but it should be applied MUCH more rigorously.

There are around 38,000 motorists banned for 12 points each year, but around 8,000-9,000 who reach 12 points but don't get a ban. It should be genuinely exceptional, not something that around 1 in 5 who reach the 11 points can exploit. And only ever ONCE. There is no excuse for breaking the law again once you have been given that chance.

Fair enough.


Kilometre nibbler
It's something everyone can get angry about. Not just a bunch of bloody cyclists.

I could imagine a more driving-oriented population taking a different line to Cyclechat on - say - the question of 20mph limits, or particular speed cameras. And I would probably understand their thinking, even if I didn't agree.

But what this hardship loophole nonsense is doing is making the roads more dangerous for all road users. These aren't just people who picked up a speeding ticket through a lapse of concentration. These are people who never concentrate. They are the elite minority of selfish dickheads that everyone driving, cycling or crossing the road encounters regularly and hates with a passion.


Today i follow the flying spaghetti monster
Leafy Surrey
Which wil be another 6 points.

Yes, and no longer a custodial option, if i remember correctly.

Although given the previous acceptance of the exceptional hardship plea, i doubt custody would ever be considered anyway.

If there's a legitimate exceptional circumstance, then the driver ahould have their vehicle confiscated and replaced with something embarrassing like a Twizzy, Robin or Metro. With fluffy dice.


Legendary Member
Someone like that is beyond help.

A ban doesn’t work, i suspect a brief stay in prison doesn’t work either and you can’t lock someone up for ever.

Society as a whole can do very little against persistent offenders who simply don’t care.

I think when it comes to public safety locking people up is very justified.

The guy that got 3 years for selling dodgy Firesticks was no physical risk to anyone. Turf him out to make space for people that really do endanger us, have the Firestick guy do some community service that benefits society.

While a persistent banned or uninsured driver is in prison the rest of us are a little bit safer.
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