Steve Abraham shared A Year in the Saddle - Kajsa Tylen's 2016 Cycling WR Attempt's event.
14 mins ·
Training for the year record is going well after a bit of a bad start. After the month record, I took 3 weeks recovery, which might have been a bit generous. Then I got back into training. It didn't get off to the best start. I wasn't hitting the nubers and notced that my heart rate was about 10-20bpm faster than what I'd expect and I was failing training sessions. With the higher heart rate I suspected that I caught something, so instead of trying to force myself, I stopped when I couldn't hit the numbers. Within a week I was back to normal, including my heart rate.
I'm starting on preparations for the next attempt. It looks as if I have Trek Milton Keynes as my mechanic, but still a lot to sort out yet.
I will be needing a crew chief, which would involve communicating with the UMCA and being available 24/7, or at least making arrangements for me to have a contact. Realistically, it shouldn't be demanding because everything seemed to run itself pretty well last time with all the team doing their bit. But things do crop up and problems do occur. I have one or two thinking about it. A joint effort could be considered, but I don't think that'd be the best idea.
If anyone is interested, or knows anyone, then please get in touch.
I'm hoping to start sometime between 2nd week of January and the end of February, depending on when everything is ready and I have given the UMCA the 21 days notice (at least) I'm not in a great rush to start as it gives me time for training. On the other hand, I'm looking forward to get going again after my month record.
A relatively easy week for me this week. I'm staying at the Youth Hostel at the National Forest so I can do some hilly miles.
I have a recovery ride tomorrow (9th Dec) where I'll be joining Kajsa Tylen, who will have cycled over 50,000k (31,000 miles) since Jan 1st, which will be enough for her place in the Guinness Book of Records.
Saturday, I have a ride to Monsal Head planned for some more hilly miles.
On Sunday, before my 5 hour training ride home, I'll be celebrating Kajsa's success at her year record. Everyone is welcome and there's free cake! (and coffee or tea)
Kajsa would like you to come. I'm just going for the cake and coffee myself...
Almost an official announcement.