205 miles in a day (Tommy Godwin Challenge) - the Discussion thread

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young Ed

ok, after reading his biog and reading through his website i reckon he has at the very least good chance of doing this!
Cheers Ed

young Ed

I've never seen Forest Gump so can't comment on that.
But there's a thread on the other place where people can find out where he is riding and join him if they wish.
the other place?
if he's heading down here i could try to be out that day?
Cheers Ed


Legendary Member
In reality this is more like a totally new record and only vaguely related to Tommy's record. Unless Steve wants to Start again, unsupported, without GPS and on a 3 geared bike.

The 2 rides can hardly be compared but they are both great feats of endurance. The only way Steve cannot beat the mileage is by dropping out.


Are there any rules in the record ratification regarding drafting? I see on his diary that during March he spends consecutive nights in Sheffield and Manchester so maybe comes over this way. I'd ride with him some of the way but would I be allowed to let him draft me? This of course is assuming I would actually be able to ride faster than him for a few miles at least, certainly not a given
+1. Was thinking along the same lines.


How was the distance measured and confirmed so accurately in 1939.

Being behind even a couple of hundred miles at this stage is no big deal as they can be picked up gradually during the summer.

But it is a massive ask. Good luck to him.
I thought the same when I was llooking through the website for Godwin posted up thread. There seems to be some special speedo that he had.


Norven Mankey
As has been mentioned before, Tommy Godwin wasn't unsupported. In fact he had more on the road support than Steve with Raleigh Team riders pacing him and sheltering him from the wind for the first few months.

Yeah but he's probably gonna have me for about 20 miles sometime in March bustin' a hole in the wind. That's got to be worth something, right?
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