Given that virtually all of my miles this year have been Jan-April & Sept, Nov & Dec, I thought I might try having some summer miles at some point

, so the aim is to get my asthma under control for summer and actually get to ride in the warmer months of the year.
Get my (severe) asthma under control & not get end up housebound because of it through summer yet again...
Work on the walking side of life (dog bite issues still causing problems). I can now manage 4km a day, finger's crossed on being able to get my mountaineering boots out again by the end of the year.
Cycling distance - no real target, I'll just see what happens and stick with this year's target (given what happened this year

Possible tour of Iceland for a summer holiday (assuming asthma does not cause problems & I have found a portable nebuliser by then)
Have 12 months without falling off my bike? (I don't want fate to be able to read this small print....