But, because the heather is 3ft away, you cannot get to it because it is too far.Or the point when eating the heather at the side of holme moss seems like a sterling idea.
Ha ha surely this uses more energy trying to chew them?.The scariest thing about my first bonk was buying the condoms ...
Hitting the wall and the bonk are not the same thing.
There is no difference, each term refers to endurance sport athletes/participants running out of liver and muscle glycogen.whats the difference then other than one is normally used in running terms and the other cycling?.
Hitting the wall and the bonk are not the same thing.
I didn't know that, I always thought it was something less serious.If you could still ride then you did not bonk. You were just running on empty and perhaps pretty close. I have seen someone suffer the bonk on a ride and it's not nice to see. If you really did bonk then there is no way you could continue to ride your bike.
. And what would cause the pins an needles in my toes?
Oh, I dunnoThat looks NOTHING like me !!! he he