1992 HandBook

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I found this stuffed in a box of various documents
I attended the ‘Nations Cup & the ‘World Championships’, at Roundhay Park

I have the ‘Worlds’ programme somewhere on a bookshelf



Even more interestingly, l was talking to a friend after the ‘World Championship’, both of her sons had ridden as team-members in the Junior event
(Robert & Richard Thackray - no relation)

Whilst we were talking, Roger Hammond came up to her
I didn’t know he’d stayed at their house, in order to be able to practice in the Park
He was good enough to let me take this photograph
The Nations Cup was on the same course, as a trial run

I found this stuffed in a box of various documents
I attended the ‘Nations Cup & the ‘World Championships’, at Roundhay Park

I have the ‘Worlds’ programme somewhere on a bookshelf



I found this stuffed in a box of various documents
I attended the ‘Nations Cup & the ‘World Championships’, at Roundhay Park

I have the ‘Worlds’ programme somewhere on a bookshelf

View attachment 737860

View attachment 737861

Even more interestingly, l was talking to a friend after the ‘World Championship’, both of her sons had ridden as team-members in the Junior event
(Robert & Richard Thackray - no relation)

Whilst we were talking, Roger Hammond came up to her
I didn’t know he’d stayed at their house, in order to be able to practice in the Park
He was good enough to let me take this photograph
The Nations Cup was on the same course, as a trial run

View attachment 737862

When I first read this, I thought it looked a very old book for 92, then I counted the years. :eek:
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