bonj said:
another example of a bike with the wrong number/orientation of tubes! Saddle looks like it's only held on by the very back aswell!
I know ,but this makes for interest.It is why I like machines of the time between 1930 and 1955 .The designers pushed the rules to get their bikes noticed. This makes them a design classic.My mate who owns this X frame says its a pig to ride.It has even got a steering damper to help make it ridealble.He is also sorting the saddle out.When he rides it his kness hit his elbows

Other design classics that come to mind ; Saxon twin tube,Sun Manx tt,Paris Galibier,Hetchins,+ about at least 4 others.
Later and more recent .Kirk, various designs from Mike Burrows .
I am no expert on of any of this,I just enjoy the social history of the bicycle.