Regarding the first pic the only thing I notice is that the gap between top jockey and your 30T is quite generous given the mech is probably stretched beyond spec. I would give it less B screw.
Regarding the second pic I don't think the large ring looks very worn. In any case a worn driving cog with a new chain meant chain suck, not skip - Jobst Brandt has an explanation for that on Sheldon's site.
Can't tell much from the third pic.
There can be numerous possible causes for your two potentially distinct issues of chain coming off when back-pedalling and skips when on the 11T. Apart from those mentioned above you might want to check whether there is any stiff link on the chain, whether any chainring sprocket tooth is bent out of plane, and finally for the 11T issue assuming the lockring is done up properly a loose/worn freehub.