Swinging Member
- Location
- West London
I'd say you have two options... modify the lockring with a needle file until the slots are deep enough to mate with your tool, or remove this lockring with a hammer & suitable small chisel (or scrap screwdriver) and replace it with a proper Shimano one.
or try a Campag lockring removal tool?
Reading into "Fulcrum lockrings", it seems this is "campag".
Still doesn't explain why a 11T lockring is on a 12T cassette.
Question is
1) can a campag lockring fit a shimano freebody (assuming the freebody is shimano)?
2) can a shimano cassette fit a campag freebody (assuming the freebody is campag)?
A lockring is just a nut with splines allowing a splined tool to secure it on to the hub and there are two main standards (Shimano and Campag). Shimano and Campag lockrings aren't interchangeable because they have different splines as well as threads being very slightly different in size.
The freehub on the other hand has a different set of splines that are again configured to either one of two main standards (Shimano and Campag), which govern which cassette system will fit, i.e. Shimano/sram or Compag. Hence a Shimano cassette will not fit a Campag freehub or vice versa. However for some wheels/hubs you can buy Shimano or Campag freehub to fit. That is the case for Fulcrum wheels (although Fulcrum is owned by Campag). When you buy their wheels you can choose whether they are for Shimano or Campag cassettes.
Am not sure what cassette you have but what you have is a Fulcrum lockring for 11T Shimano cassette although yours is a 12T cassette. I don't have a Fulcrum wheel, but I have a set of Campag wheels for which different lockrings are required dependent on whether the (Campag) cassette's smallest cog is 11T or 12T.