I'm doing my first century ride in about six weeks and would like to know from you knowledgeable lot your advice on food/nutrition before,during and after the ride?
Before: eat some pasta the night before, and a big breakfast on the day, which should include porridge if that suits you.
On the ride, I would suggest stopping at regular intervals (say every 10 or 15 miles after the first 30), and eating something like a flapjack, or a fig roll, or the like. Drink plenty, too, and do some quick stretches when you stop. I find stiffening up on the bike to be the most limiting factor for my time in the saddle. I would build in a cafe stop at about 60 or 70 miles (not half-way, it's psychological!), and have some cake and tea. Don't stop too long, or getting going again can be a chore.
Afterwards? Just hoover. You'll go from fridge to cake tin to bread basket to fridge to cake tin and so on, until you've had enough.......
In offering these suggestions I assume that this will be your longest ride, and towards the limit of your ability/ fitness. Some guys just hop on the bike and do it, drinking lots and having some gel, then hop off when they're finished as if nothing has happened.