Well had some really bad news over the weekend. The operation they are doing on the nerves in my lower back has been postponed until the 12th August. While it will seem to be "just" a couple of weeks to most people, the amount of pain I am putting up with is getting much worse in this heat, as it makes the damaged nerves inflame (swell) even more than normal, which heightens my sensation of pain. Also it just ruins my plans for next month, as I wanted to start working on some new physio rehab my pain physiotherapist has designed for me, so I can enjoy cycling more.
Bad news aside, I've done a few rides since I over did things last Tuesday. I've been sticking to the lap around my little housing area and it's actually now become too easy for me. I went out earlier this morning, so I could avoid the heat and I was really pleased that my legs are not screaming when I am riding up the slope and when I get back to my house, my breathing is not too laboured now. Even going up my stairs is really easy, when I use to get puffed out before.
There is now a really clear improvement in my cardio and physical levels of fitness, which I am so happy about. When I didn't ride for a couple of days, my lower back was so painful, but when I got out on the bike, it made the pain drop so much and I really felt better for it. I've decided it might be better if I do a day on and a day off. My recovery is proving to be good enough to do something like this and it means I'm not going to over work myself trying to do three days in a row before taking one off. Luckily, because I live next door to a hospital, I can cycle around it's access road which is really smooth tarmac and it loops back onto the road that leads into my housing area (there is only one road that leads in/out to my housing area). It's also has very low traffic for the most part and I won't have to feel too self conscious wearing my cycling top when I ride it.