What I'm suggesting is that we all do things that might not be good for us, but do we really want to say that only the 'worthy' get treated when they are ill? Let he who is without sin cast the first stone, and all that ...
No health care for smokers, fat people, alcoholics, junkies, cycling or gym casualties ... How about careless people who don't watch where they are walking, trip over and break an arm or leg? People who are depressed and attempt suicide - should they just be told to snap out of it or be allowed to die?
I've been fat, I've been thin and I'm currently in between, but I've been a human being the whole time. When I got seriously ill in the summer, probably only a few days away from death, I was borderline obese. Fortunately for me, my local NHS medics didn't take a tape measure to my waist, they just stuck ECG pads on my chest, a needle in my arm and got on with treating me. And I am very grateful for that.
When I make my recovery, I will do my best not to get fat again, but that is a personal choice and if I need any more treatment while I am still overweight, I hope that the doctors don't decide that I don't deserve it.