02GF74 said:
I reckon that is quirte common. If you had lost a screw from your toaster or even the mains plug and went to John Lewis, or any other shop, and asked for replacement, you'd get the same answer.
How many different screws, bolts springs etc. does a shop need to stock for every possible bike part they sell?
You know the screw size then best place is to go to a shop specializing in screws.
If you have trouble finding replcmeent, then PM me and I shoudl be able to source one that is identical or very similar.
That´s an intersting comparison. It shows very nicely where the whole think boils down to: it´s the self-conception of the bike shop which matters. If they consider themself as a mere merchant who sells bikes and parts, your argument is completely right. Then it´s rather supid to ask for a single screw. (You wouldn´t to that with an online shop, would you?)
However, if the bike shop sees itself as someone who delivers services related to bikes, it´s different. Then he (hopefully) looks for the best possible solution for his customer. (definitvly not selling a new derailleur when one simple screw is lost). For example, a few years ago I ruined an important screw of the Tubus rack of my wifes bike one day prior to a 3-weeks-trip to Norway. "My" bikeshop did not have the spare part in stock. They did not try to sell me new rack but unscrewed the part from a new one. (Afterwards I was recommending the shop as often as I could, BTW)
If there is a bike shop in central London with a similar spirit, please let me know.
Thanks for the help offered with regard of getting hold of the screw. I bought some which fit at a screwshop. Unfortunately, they´re not made of stainless steel. Since I happend to be in Germany this week I made a visit to my old bike shop. The owner admitted that it is really hard to officially order suchs parts. But he has a box where he collects used parts from bikes which he services and instantly found a chromed screw which perfectly fits to my derailleur.