Out of those 34 days there was not one day where the 1040 got us to where we were going, so if your touring conditions includes relying on Garmin's course creation function I would strongly urge reconsideration. Some of the recurring issues included 1) an inability to determine location when in a building so we couldn't even plan the day's route without going outside (we ended up staying in hotels each night). Might not seem like a big deal, but why is it an issue at all-our phones/iPads never had a problem. 2) an inability to recognize street names, street numbers and occasionally even a city's name (try to enter Duren (sometimes spelled Durren), Germany. Why can't it suggest names based your entry? 3) Sometimes the created route was ridiculous, e.g. on a ride from Dordrecht, Ne to Den Haag, Ne., a distance of 28.5 miles per ridewithgps.com, the Garmin's proposed route was 60 miles. On those days when we did use the proposed route we had these issues: 4) trying to determine the initial direction can be difficult as the unit typically would say "head towards First Street" without indicating the direction to look for First Street. 5) When you need to stop to look closely at the map the map begins to rotate...and rotate...and rotate...and when it settles down two huge vertical lines (the pause icon) obliterates most of the map...and then the screen goes dark so you can't read it anyway. WTF!!! Does Garmin even test their products before they sell them for usurious amounts? Ok, that was a big one. 6) a couple of times the Distance to Next data went weird, the worst being as we were coming into Ghent, about 4 miles from our hotel, we stopped at a grocery store. While I was waiting outside with the bikes I noticed the Distance to Next now indicated 9363 miles. 7) Speaking of weird data screens, the Garmin kept changing them insisting I wanted/needed to see something called VAM. By the end of the trip I just let it track whatever it wanted and it settled on showing distance (twice!), VAM, Maximum Speed and Heading. (One) Distance and the Heading were the only two of the five data points I actually set it up to track.