£170,000,000 anyone ?

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Tail End Charlie

Well, write it down boy ......
A nice turnip in the country?
Possibly, as long as it's shaped like a thingey.


Leg End Member
Possibly, as long as it's shaped like a thingey.


Straddle the line, discord and rhyme
Once the winnings were in my bank, I'd quite work immediately. However I'd still work my notice period as that's fair. I'd enjoy going in to the office with a £1000 suit on
I got married in a £1000 suit. I'm not convinced it was worth it.

Accy cyclist

Legendary Member
A totally ridiculous amount of money for one person, but the prize on offer means that more gullible gamblers see the 'mega riches' pound sign before the eyes than if the prize was 'only' a few million. So more throwing money at the minuscule chance of winning means more profit for the sellers of the tickets. After you've bought your Aston Martins, your yachts and your mansions etc, you then think what more can i do with the 150 million left. If i gambled on a lottery ticket i'd be happy with one of those wins that gives you say 5 grand a month for 10 years. One of my neighbours who's 83 years old buys 'Euro Millions' tickets. If i won the prize at 83 years old i'd be thinking 'why the fark didn't i win this when i was young enough to enjoy it'?!:rolleyes:


Leg End Member
£170,000,000 Lottery prize, unclaimed so far...
It's not me, but think of how many bikes that'd be :becool:

Edit: £170,000,000 not the paltry sum of £107,000,000 thanks @meta lon
€175,000,000 in Ireland.


First i would go on a 5 star holiday for three months.Till all the fuss died down and the low crap papers got fed up of looking for me.Buy a larger house with a secluded garden.Then i would start donating to family and work mates and my first family.I would then help my church to finish off a very large building project,where i would donate the entire kitchen equipment needed to feed the local homeless,i would work in the kitchen,but nobody nobody at all would know about my winnings,i wold also have many top 5 star holidays i love sun sand and sea.
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