
  1. ChrisEyles

    Cracking retro mtb on ebay

    Found this while looking for forks on ebay: http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/1996-18-GT-Tequesta-Rigid-Mountain-Bike-Bicycle-/281920764392?hash=item41a3c979e8:g:QxgAAOSw-zxWn6ei If anyone's into their 90s mtbs, it's well worth a look, nice condition and an awesome 90s paint job :becool: I would be...
  2. Kevoffthetee

    eBay best offers

    I can't believe sellers are so rude that they won't reply to a best offer, even when that offer is fair. The offer was within 10% of what you could buy-it-now from a number of sellers but they just let the time lapse without responding. At least if it was a no then I could look elsewhere as...
  3. palinurus

    Bat-bent for sale on eBay

    Right here Quite why this appeared in my recommendations I've no idea, but Facebook thinks I need adult incontinence pads and endless packs of guitar picks.
  4. DCLane

    eBay or £100: Peugeot Premiere P10N 22" / 57cm 1986 - Dewsbury, West Yorks

    As posted here I bought this as a potential winter commuter/between university campus bike: However it's far too good for that. It still appears to have the original sticker on and I can't abuse a bike that is this original. So, it's on eBay with a start price of £99 and buy-now of...
  5. Joffey

    eBay - Crivit Cycling Gilet - XXL

    http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/291628284502?ul_noapp=true Great condition, will take £12 including postage if anyone wants it from here? Thanks
  6. U

    Recent ebay buy.

    The images below show two cycles I've recently bought from ebay. My own initial research shows it to be a Raleigh Tourist (1947-55). This cycle is currently unknown. However, after studying the frame features, I'm 99% positive its a pre WW2 cycle. Two potential makers come to mind: E F Russ, &...
  7. Falco Frank

    Ebay - Interesting KMX trike!

    > http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/KMX-KART-VENON-Top-End-Recumbent-Trike-With-Extras/321920213797
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