Your cooking Nemesis

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Über Member
My fail safe Yorkshire recipe is:
140grams of plain flour
200ml of semi skimmed milk (whole milk and skimmed don’t work as well)
4 large eggs or 5 medium eggs.

Whisk until they have lots of air in them.

I use vegetable oil as it has a lower heat threshold than olive oil and I don’t have lard or goose fat. Heat in the oven until the oil starts to smoke. If you put the mixture in and it doesn’t bubble then the oil is not hot enough. I cook mine at around 200degrees in the middle of the oven and don’t open the door until they are done.

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Banging on the oven door puds!🤟


Über Member
Try as above, with the bowl (or a second, smaller pan). The trick is to keep whisking, so the milk hasn't got the chance to catch. Same's true if making a bechamel or a mornay sauce. Also, you don't want too fierce a heat under the pan. :smile:

I'd agree ,bring to the boil ,without actually boiling, you want a gentle heat with milk, & whisk, whisk,whisk with a balloon whip, untill your hand falls off!
Also add milk slowly to the egg, then back to the hot pan, on a low heat adding slowly, using a flat bladed spatula ,moving all the time , then take of heat, still mixing.
It's what I used to do to make Crème patisse for baking trade.
Some say use Cornflower, that's cheating ! Only if it's curdling, add it to rescue.
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