Xmas Plans

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The normal plans used to be going to my wife's son's house - he and his partner would then get dinner sorted while we look after the kids

however, a few years ago her mother decided "it was their turn" so we were kicked out
after that her mother tried to sort out a rota where each of her daughters did one Christmas and she would do the next
again - we would be left out

So the daughter-in-law (if they ever bother to get married!) has got fed up and just say they are staying at home and dinner is just for the 5 fo them
We do have a permanent invite to my wife's sister's house - but she will have her 3 kids and now they partners and, in one case, kids - so the house will be crowded and there is only room for 4-5 at the table so most people eat off trays on laps
which is not right

Hence we will go round and visit everyone and drop of presents then come home and I will cook dinner and we will have it with just the 2 of us!

personally, if the weather is fine I would rather go for a bike ride in the morning - but I'm not even suggesting that one!!


Legendary Member
We have Christmas dinner with the Danish side of the family on the evening of the 24th and Christmas dinner with the English side of the family on the 25th. On the 26th we have lunch with the Mexican side of the family. 😁.
Its always good fun with lots of games and Lego presents.
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Bit off topic but best Christmas I ever had I was totally on my own

I was mentally in a bad place and had left my ex
my parents had unexpectedly died recenetly - quite close together
I finally got myself a bit more together and reneted a small house in North Wales - in a valley just off the A55
No one knew I was there - as I hadn;'t been there long

I got the stuff for Christmas dinner - the smallest turkey crown I could find - plus all the trimings
got some fizz and other wine and stuff

On CHristmas day I sorted dinner out - peeled veg and got everything ready then went for a long walk up the valley to a waterfall - went the long way round up the snowy slopes of the valley and round to the top of the valley then back down the normal tourist route

cooked dinner - witha couple of beers for company - ate dinner

watched telly and listened to the radio plus some music

It sounds very lonely but it was what I needed at the time

and that is the point - you should do what you need Christmas to be
If that means eating curry in and Indian restaurent then so be it

if it means going to a Christmas free hotel in the wilds of Scotland - then that is OK

if it means dinner for 20 with all the family

etc etc
Christmas Eve will involve the inevitable yellow stickering in Tesco - with well-sharpened elbows, of course. And then, later in the evening, a Polish "Wigilia" albeit on a small scale as it's just two humans and one cat. I *might* go to midnight mass, either in the village or in Ely cathedral, but the last few years I've stayed at home and watched the midnight service on TV from the comfort of my armchair.

Christmas Day is just a chill out and cook / eat good food kind of day. We've no immediate family other than some step-cousins that we've nothing much in common with, so we just do our own thing. A friend who lives in the village will swing by at some point for a cup of tea and a Min Spy and to pick up her share of whatever I nabbed on sticker the previous evening. The time depends on when she gets back from the coast, as she likes to go for a walk on Hunstanton beach with her dogs.

Boxing Day. Umm, that's largely dedicated to yellow stickering.


Hong Kong


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I really don't know.
Christmas has never been a big deal for myself and MrsD but since she died in June EVERYTHING seems to be a 1st.
Friends tell me I need to be with my family and I know the family want that but I'm not sure I can face that.

I totally get that.

There was a guy on the TV the other morning who had recently lost his wife to dementia and that he would be on his own on the day. He went on to explain that he did have options, but he really just wanted to be on his own with his own thoughts.

Nothing wrong with letting others know what you want to do.


Setting the controls for the heart of the sun.
Mrs B and I thought it would be the first Christmas Day with just the two of us for 45 years, as pre and post marriage, we have always visited parents and/or had our own children at the house. Daughter 2 then said she would be coming for lunch, before going to her boyfriend's parents. Then daughter 2 decided she would arrive earlier and will come round at 9am!


Ride It Like You Stole It!
South Manchester
Sister in Law's Christmas day, Boxing Day down to the caravan for a few days (MrsF will be swimming in the sea) and unload it more (we're letting it go this year/end of site license). Then 30th at my folks. No plans for NYE - will stop in I think.

Bike rides - need to swap the wheels on the CX to 'road' and pop on the guards - can't see me doing much 'off road' as it's a total mud bog round here.
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