Sciatica..... I had no idea it could be this painful.

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Legendary Member
The only other time I had it I did some stretches as shown on google. 24 hours later it was gone.
Not this time. Done all the stretches but that just aggrevates it.
I have been fighting a bad back since October and last Wednesday I thought I had cracked it and managed 9 holes of golf.
During the night I woke with sciatic pains which gained in strength. Yesterday I couldn't sit. Went to bed and found I couldn't lie down without bad pain......I hardly slept.
The pain starts top of my left thigh, goes down the back of my thigh then jumps to the front of the calf and then to the ankle area. It alternates between constant to throbbing.
The only relief I get is standing with my weight on the right leg.
Tried to get in a physio today but no joy.
Ibuprofen and Paracetamol have little effect. My next dose will be paracetamol plus Codiene.
Any suggestions.....this is really hurting and I cant get relief


Eh up
I had my first (hope its the last) bout of Sciatica last year, two months off the bike, Ibuprofen and Paracetamol did nothing for me, so the wife phoned NHS direct (I think) for advice on stronger painkillers, they actualy sent a Paramedic out, I was in bed and couldn't find a comfortable position, he spoke to my surgery and they prescibed Cocodomol which worked but gave me terrible constipation, I did visit a Chiropractor who did a bit of manipulation but the healing process was well on the way by then, he told me the pain in the lower leg would be the last to go, which it was.

I am now on a daily routine of stretching to try and prevent a repeat, I was stood up on one leg putting a sock on the other when something twinged in my back that caused it.

I have no advice to ease the pain but I hope it soon disapears for you as I know how bad it can be, just be aware of the Codeine and constipation.
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Legendary Member


Legendary Member
Had it twice down each leg. Last time two years ago after stupidly doing heavy lifting. Never felt pain like it. On my hands and knees in tears. Took two weeks for the worst of the pain to ease, but I am left with areas of numbness down my leg and outside of the foot that has never gone away. I’m convinced that my legs have also lost strength. Really don’t fancy back surgery so just put up with it and try and be careful not to aggravate it too much these days.


Legendary Member
I had my first (hope its the last) bout of Sciatica last year, two months of the bike, Ibuprofen and Paracetamol did nothing for me, so the wife phoned NHS direct (I think) for advice on stronger painkillers, they actualy sent a Paramedic out, I was in bed and couldn't find a comfortable position, he spoke to my surgery and they prescibed Cocodomol which worked but gave me terrible constipation, I did visit a Chiropractor who did a bit of manipulation but the healing process was well on the way by then, he told me the pain in the lower leg would be the last to go, which it was.

I am now on a daily routine of stretching to try and prevent a repeat, I was stood up on one leg putting a sock on the other when something twinged in my back that caused it.

I have no advice to ease the pain but I hope it soon disapears for you as I know how bad it can be, just be aware of the Codeine and constipation.
A neighbour suggested I go to out patients at the hospital and I may resort to that.
If I can get through tomorrow with the Codeine I will try the physio on Monday.
I agree, constipation is not nice..... but right now I think I would trade it:wacko:.
Quick story.
After my cancer op they gave me various pain killers and I was REALLY constipated and in pain from that. The nurse said "I will give you an enema but it will have to be here on the ward"
I said "you can give it me on the car park if you want, I really dont care"
The enima worked and life was good ^_^
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Legendary Member
I suggest you consider spending £40 on an osteopath. They will be able to tell you whether you have Sciatica (chronic condition) or piriformis syndrome (acute condition). Hopefully it's the latter and if it is then you need to massage it with these and do cow face yoga stretch tilting your back as far forward as possible(after manipulation)
Amazon product ASIN B00CCPNDWIView:
Thanks, I have one of those and have been using it for the bad back.
If it persists till Monday I will certainly seek treatment.


Legendary Member
Had it twice down each leg. Last time two years ago after stupidly doing heavy lifting. Never felt pain like it. On my hands and knees in tears. Took two weeks for the worst of the pain to ease, but I am left with areas of numbness down my leg and outside of the foot that has never gone away. I’m convinced that my legs have also lost strength. Really don’t fancy back surgery so just put up with it and try and be careful not to aggravate it too much these days.
And you still run every day. I am impressed.
You have my sympathies.

Had a sudden onset a couple of years ago, down the right leg. Left me functionally bedridden for 2 months and needing a walking stick for the most basic tasks. Couldn't sit for long at all, and when I did it felt like my leg was being wrenched off when I tried to stand up.
As Mo said, I've never known pain like it - I wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy.
Co-codamol was the only thing that could come close to the pain but even it barely took the edge off. As mentioned above, co-codamol has certain side effects.

Eventually it slowly faded away on its own and once I was recovered enough stretches helped, but I still get occasional twinges.

I swore after that that I would never take my mobility for granted ever again.


Legendary Member
You have my sympathies.

Had a sudden onset a couple of years ago, down the right leg. Left me functionally bedridden for 2 months and needing a walking stick for the most basic tasks. Couldn't sit for long at all, and when I did it felt like my leg was being wrenched off when I tried to stand up.
As Mo said, I've never known pain like it - I wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy.
Co-codamol was the only thing that could come close to the pain but even it barely took the edge off. As mentioned above, co-codamol has certain side effects.

Eventually it slowly faded away on its own and once I was recovered enough stretches helped, but I still get occasional twinges.

I swore after that that I would never take my mobility for granted ever again.
Yes, its a shock isn't it. When I have heard of people getting it I assumed it was a sort of mild pain that would go away. But its relentless. It seems to grip your leg in a vice.
I know better now:sad:


Legendary Member
I had a similar experience some year’s ago.I was admitted to hospital and at that time had a Milogram not a pleasant experience.Probably it is now done by a scan.Result was prolapsed L3 and L 4 was suggested A nurse who I had worked with on the Nuro ward advised only accept as a last resort.
and see an Osteopath.I was given an epidural injection which gave some relief

Consultaed an Osteopath.After four treatments I was pain free.I still get some back aches and am careful about posture weight and lifting any thing heavy. I stretch regularly and exercise with a elastic exercises band.


Legendary Member
Hot water bottle, then gentle stretching may help
Presume you have no red flags with bladder and bowel dysfunction
No......bowel and bladder are in super form^_^
Problem with water bottle............where do you put it. my leg is** on fire from the thigh to the ankle.
I will add a note to that. **About 30 minutes ago I felt a strange sensation. It was as though the pain fell/drifted out of the bottom of my leg. It still hurts at the thigh and lower leg when I stand but I am now sitting with only slight pain. I have not had pain killers since mid morning.
Could it clear "just like that"??? for 3 days I have been totally crippled and had very little sleep for 2 nights but it seems to be easing up. I really hope its not a false alarm.


My sciatica started about 2.5 years ago in the left leg, then i started getting it in both legs. Numerous visits to doctors who just kept telling me it will sort itself out, and have had physio, Gabapentin and Amitriptyline. None of which worked at all.
Finally saw musculoskeletal specialist and got sent for MRI in 2018 where i was told it was ageing in the spine with Foraminal Stenosis. Saw a spinal surgeon who said he didn't think surgery was an answer due to low chance of success in curing it and high risk of either making it worse or risk of even worse complications.
Been on constant painkillers ever since, Co-codamol, Tramadol and anti inflammatories.
Now i'm getting severe lower back pain with it, made worse when i walk, cycle or doing any activities.
I was sent for another MRI scan only last week and am due to see specialist again on 27th of this month to hopefully find out WTF is going on.

OP, i hope you have more success in getting it fixed than i have and many people suffer nerve pain only for it to cure itself after a while. But sometimes you just cant beat the effects of ageing and a lifetime of manual work.

Fab Foodie

hanging-on in quiet desperation ...
Kirton, Devon.
The only other time I had it I did some stretches as shown on google. 24 hours later it was gone.
Not this time. Done all the stretches but that just aggrevates it.
I have been fighting a bad back since October and last Wednesday I thought I had cracked it and managed 9 holes of golf.
During the night I woke with sciatic pains which gained in strength. Yesterday I couldn't sit. Went to bed and found I couldn't lie down without bad pain......I hardly slept.
The pain starts top of my left thigh, goes down the back of my thigh then jumps to the front of the calf and then to the ankle area. It alternates between constant to throbbing.
The only relief I get is standing with my weight on the right leg.
Tried to get in a physio today but no joy.
Ibuprofen and Paracetamol have little effect. My next dose will be paracetamol plus Codiene.
Any suggestions.....this is really hurting and I cant get relief
It’s God’s way of telling you to give-up Golf....
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