My Bike Has Been Stolen HELP NEEDED

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Tom B

Bikes don't have IMEI numbers!

Immobilise is the one that published lists of everyone's stuff.

No they have serial numbers and can also be recorded and shown atolen along with alsorts of things on bikes that do have imei and serials.

My Garmin is currently on there shown stolen along with my lost mobile.

Mobiles at least can be searched through PNC.

I have to say that's the first time I've heard about that dataleak. It beats writing it on a bit of paper that could equally be lost or destroyed... Or indeed found by a naer do well.


Legendary Member
Police called yesterday, no CCTV working in that area.

The Fragrant MrsP and put 25 posters offering a reward for return of bike.

I’ve been searching several times a day on various sites to see if it comes up.

I’ve emailed 30 bike shops / Sellers to alert them about the theft.


Legendary Member
Police called yesterday, no CCTV working in that area.

The Fragrant MrsP and put 25 posters offering a reward for return of bike.

I’ve been searching several times a day on various sites to see if it comes up.

I’ve emailed 30 bike shops / Sellers to alert them about the theft.
Assume you have seen these 2 adds and it's not yours with wheels saddle etc changed?

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Legendary Member

thanks for the links, I had seen the eBay one, but not the gumtree ad, that bike is a slightly different colour scheme to mine and it’s a 3.1, mine is a 3.5. I really appreciate you bringing them to my attention though.

Pale Rider

Legendary Member
Police called yesterday, no CCTV working in that area.

The Fragrant MrsP and put 25 posters offering a reward for return of bike.

I’ve been searching several times a day on various sites to see if it comes up.

I’ve emailed 30 bike shops / Sellers to alert them about the theft.

Good effort with the posters/emails.

I know you will get limited help from the coppers, but they will be impressed that you are prepared to put in some graft yourself.

If you speak again, I would certainly drop what you've done into the conversation.


Well-Known Member
Good effort with the posters/emails.

I know you will get limited help from the coppers, but they will be impressed that you are prepared to put in some graft yourself.

If you speak again, I would certainly drop what you've done into the conversation.
sorry to hear about you know who the theif/s are?
Where abouts do you live EltonFrog....My bike hs never been stolen, and i sometimes leave my bike outside shops without a padlock, and always been worried that it might be stolen. Thanks for letting us know...i will know not to let my bike alone by shops.


Grand Old Lady
Sorry to hear this. Ive done extensive research on bike locks and NOTHING is 100% but cable bike locks are TERRIBLE. Extremely susceptible to hard attacks with seconds of force. A chap here tests such things. Quite shocking.
You can just see how easy it is. Thief pretends to tie his shoelace, whilst cutting through the cable with a cheap tool and away he goes... I really hope you get lucky and see your lovely bike again...


That guy in the YouTube clip sounds like Darren Alff from the Bicycle touring pro vlogs


Legendary Member
There is an urban legend that bikes stolen from Oxford are resold in Cambridge and vice-versa. Whatever the truth, it's a huge criminal operation there, although SO managed to leave a half decent bike at the station overnight for 3 months without it ever being stolen (I did swap all the QRs for allen key skewers, added a datatag and she used a decent D lock).

Sadly, I doubt you'll see it again 🙁
Sorry to hear of your stolen bike Carl, hope you can recover it somehow. My folding bike was stolen in Reading town centre a few months back, bought it for fifty quid, gotta wonder what these plebs make from it? Yours obviously had a greater value, and mostly sentimental, but that means nothing to them. Oxford does have a reputation, and on my many visits there I notice the vast majority of bikes are clunkers, for obvious reasons. Like I say, hope you get lucky.....

Tom B

, gotta wonder what these plebs make from it?

If it's a bottom of the pond drug user theyl be looking for £10 for a bag of heroin or a rock of crack, £20 for a bit of both on a good day.

Occasionally you get some people who fancy themselves as bike experts (they're not) and will strip down bikes and mix and match components to make two or more crap bikes. They'll then try to flog on to mates etc for a few bob more.

There are of course others who are more organised and discerning but I've not really come across them.

If I was a bike thief I'd just look on Strava... The number of people who don't have privacy zones set is amazing. There is a guy near me with 3k of mountain bike and a similar value road bike and you can track him down to the garden shed.


Legendary Member
As interesting and informative as all these theories are, and I realise that I am not likely to see my bike again,I was sort of hoping that folks up and down the county would keep an eye out for the bike, like for instance sharing with their various social media groups, saving it in their search profiles on eBay and other online market places. You never know, you might find it. If you have / are already doing that, I really appreciate it.
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Legendary Member
Costa Clyde
Don't give up hope... I've known people get bikes back after years.
Sorry to be brutal, but..... would you really want it back after years, or even months, or weeks for that matter, in the wrong hands?
I've only ever had one bike stolen, and it was recovered after about 6 months in a second hand shop in Edinburgh (the days before ebay). It had been trashed. I fixed it up; but it was never the same bike again.
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