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Just bought a bike last week. Been back to the shop twice for extra stuff already and looking at moving further away for a longer commute. ;O]

I'm sure I'll grow out of it but I thought I'd find a cycling forum in the meantime. Tried spokes.org.uk but nobody there so here I am.

See you around, eh.
PS - I tried to bunnyhop like when I was a kid and the rebound from my suspension forks put me sideways into a fence. If my dad had bought me a better bike with some suspension when I was young I might have been aware of such dangers! :biggrin:

I'm going for a burl round Dalbeattie forest this weekend so I hope there's bunnyhopping required.

PPS - knobbly things on the road are perhaps harder work than they need to be. Any slicks recommendations for the commute?


Legendary Member
Somewhere flat
Hello GFE :smile:
This is the only cycling forum I have used and it's just great - wise choice :biggrin:

I don't know much about MTB's, I don't know much Biology, don't know much about the French I took... but what I do know is that's ok, as Schwalbe Marathon Plus tyres are very highly spoken about "Bomb Proof" and don't puncture. They're 20-25 quid a tyre so there are cheaper alternatives out there. Parhaps something from Continental.

Enjoy your Cycling and CC :biggrin:



Cycling in Scotland
Auld Reekie
Hallo and welcome, you find there are a few more on here than the Spokes forum, just take a look at the commuting section...
Hiya, Embra folk. Aye, it's a bit more lively here than it is on Spokes. It needs dusting over there.

Today I've acquired a bottle, bottle cage, tyre lever, saddle bag, extra lock, gloves and roof carrier. Cheap this cyling lark, eh. ;O]

Nice ride along the canal from the Gyle tonight, across the meadows and through Holyrood park. Quick run around Arthur's Seat and home. Now I'm a bit shagged but at least I've earned a tin of beer.
I plumped for the Schwalbe Marathons in the end because I was offered a set for £20. Going to stick 'em on and try to keep up with a mate on his two grand Felt roadbike sometime. I do so enjoy a challenge. :laugh:/
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