Herbal Tea. Anyone use them ??

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Legendary Member
Never tried them before but am suffering an upset stomach.....so I am giving peppermint tea a try.
3rd day now so no miracle as yet :rolleyes:.
Just wondering if others use them ?
If so, which ones and why ?


South Wales
I quite often drink Chamomile, or Chamomile with Honey.

Why? Because I like the taste :smile:

My wife sometimes has either Peppermint or Lemon & Ginger for an upset stomach.


Heavy Metal Fan
Ginger is good for upset stomach. Just steep some fresh ginger root in your hot water. I don't drink any other herbal teas becasue they are not to my taste and expensive. For the past few weeks I've been drinking hot water, which I find more refreshing than anything
Yep... :cuppa:

I always start the day with a nice refreshing mug of peppermint. It is also good for dicky tums, but you do need to let it steep a while. None of this "just show it the mug" stuff.

Chamomile is lovely. It's also a febrifuge, a mild relaxant, and, as a wash, soothing for irritated skin. Brilliant for colds with a dollop of honey and a slice of lemon - and two paracetamol on the side. No need to waste moolah on Lemsip.

I also pick and dry herbs to make various blends - I'll just stick either a chamomile or peppermint teabag in a caffetiere and then add whatever else takes my fancy.

Nettle: a good pick-me-up (and I can take revenge on the ones growing in the garden)
Lavender: good for insomnia
Lemon Balm: tastes good, pleasantly lemony
Catnip: Another take on mint, just don't try drinking it anywhere near a cat...
Valerian: another mild relaxant, but like the catnip, don't drink it in the presence of cats.
Blackcurrent leaf
Linden blossom
Rose petals

The possibilities are endless. :cuppa:


Loose mint tea first thing in the morning to aid digestion as they say and if I get a dodgy stomach.
I find the specialist firms can end up giving a range of flavours and then you can find which suits.
Much better for kids than giving them calpol when they are a bit off colour.


Legendary Member
I have a special tea box


Pat "5mph"

A kilogrammicaly challenged woman
I'm a strict espresso girl, hate all kinds of tea.
A few years ago, all my colleagues (I was working in a coffee shop), decided we were drinking too much coffee for our health, they started to drink green tea.
I drunk a mug of it, like I would down an espresso, got nausea (because I didn't like it), put me off green tea forever :laugh:
Lots of people buy expensive herbal teas, it is so easy to grow the herbs yourself or forage them, dry, add to boiling water.
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