Hamax child seats

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Smash the cistern
I'm buying a child seat for her to go on the back of the bike. I have a voucher for Evans so it'll be a Hamax as that's the brand they stock. But which model? I'd like it to be comfortable for her on longish rides and the right shape for her to be able to lean back and doze while wearing a helmet. I'm leaning towards the Caress or Siesta but open to suggestions. Anybody with first hand experience of these seats would be useful.

So I'd like to know:
What are the differences between the Caress and the Siesta?
How do the cheaper models compare and what compromises do they make?
Ta muchly

I like Skol

A Minging Manc...
Don't know about the current range but did use the Hamax Kiss for my boys up'til about the year 2010 (crikey, I am suddenly feeling a lot older!) and it was great for long and short rides alike. My youngest son used to love 'commuting' to the swimming pool and gym tots sessions in it when I spent some time as a stay-at-home dad :becool:
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An Peanut
I had/have a Hamax Siesta - I found the ability to rock the seat back when the child falls asleep, which they invariably do, to be invaluable and it stops their head falling forward.

It may even be still be in the loft if you want it.


Smash the cistern
I had/have a Hamax Siesta - I found the ability to rock the seat back when the child falls asleep, which they invariably do, to be invaluable and it stops their head falling forward.

It may even be still be in the loft if you want it.
Yes please, if you can lay your hands on it that would be very useful. Is it the rack mount or the seat tube mount version? Let me know how much you want for it, they seem to be going for about 35 quid + postage on ebay.

You know, I've had this Evans voucher for a while, and every time I go to use it, somebody offers me a better deal, and I'd always rather buy used than new. So it's not getting spent. Maybe I should just use it to buy a lifetime's worth of inner tubes or something.


An Peanut
It is seat tube mounted - in fact I have/had two mounts so it could go on a couple of different bikes. I will pop in the loft tonight and see if it is still there or if Mrs Milkfloat moved it on moved it to someone else.


Smash the cistern
It is seat tube mounted - in fact I have/had two mounts so it could go on a couple of different bikes. I will pop in the loft tonight and see if it is still there or if Mrs Milkfloat moved it on moved it to someone else.
That's great, thank you.


Smash the cistern
Bad news I am afraid - Mrs Milkfloat gave it away to a colleague. I have asked her to find out if it is being used, if it is not I will get it back.
Thanks, but don't put yourself to too much trouble on my behalf. Anyway, I'll be pleased if it is being used rather than just sat in a loft.

Tom B

It appears that Christopher B is showing an healthy interest in cycling...


He is also showing a liking for the outside and being nosey.... Dunno who he gets that off!

I really can't wait to get him on the back of the bike! What sorts of ages have you put tots in a baby seat from? He'll be 9 months when we go on holiday, I'm hoping to have got him used to it a bit by then. Planning on starting off by riding around the estate (housing estate, not the country estate) a bit first, then going to the shops etc.

I note Milkfloat 's post regarding the Hamax Siesta an the tilting back bit, Mrs Tom B reports that she used to fall forwards and headbutt mum as a tot, so reclining sounds good. Can anyone recommend other seats that tilt back?


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Heltor Chasca

Out-riding the Black Dog
I had the basic Hamax with the fitting for small frames which is important. The wrong one won’t provide suspension and your child will knock their teeth out as well as hurting their back.

I didn’t go for the one which reclines as the C.O.G. goes all wrong. Kids will sleep on a clothes line if they need to. Best choice of seat out there IMO.
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Smash the cistern
We bought the caress in the end and it's great, but if she falls asleep in it her head flops about alarmingly and I have to stop, even at full recline. I think the siesta is a better bet for sleeping.

I did read somewhere that you shouldn't put kids in bike seats below a certain age because the vibrations aren't good for their neck but I can't remember where or what the evidence was for that claim.
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