Found things

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Legendary Member
No but I found a bike abandoned in an alleyway in the Bristol suburbs 3 weeks ago. Was still there the morning after I found it. It's not ridable. I took it home and notified the council straight away. Had to report it as fly tipping as they needed a reg number for abandoned vehicles. I told them I would keep it for 28 days for someone to claim and after that I would break it for spares. I tried reporting it to the police first but they directed me to the council. I'm 95% sure it was flytipped. Problem is I don't think the police database of stolen bikes talks to the council's database. What would others do?


Itching to get back on my bike's
No but I found a bike abandoned in an alleyway in the Bristol suburbs 3 weeks ago. Was still there the morning after I found it. It's not ridable. I took it home and notified the council straight away. Had to report it as fly tipping as they needed a reg number for abandoned vehicles. I told them I would keep it for 28 days for someone to claim and after that I would break it for spares. I tried reporting it to the police first but they directed me to the council. I'm 95% sure it was flytipped. Problem is I don't think the police database of stolen bikes talks to the council's database. What would others do?

Quite a few years ago I found a bike frame in a local hedge bought it home contacted the Police and got told to keep it 3 months and then it was up to me what to do with it.
Frame number wasn't recorded anywhere as stolen. I bet these days you can't ring and talk to actual local police station.


Legendary Member
Has the Internet killed off old jazz mags in bushes?

I found one dumped on my development, told police who said after 28 days help yourself. I refurbished it and gave it to a colleague who wanted to cycle more and drive less. They are still using it.

:smile: :smile:


Über Member
Many years ago when heading to a club 10 I found a pair of small pliers on a roundabout, which I duly rescued. Perfect size, dark green plastic handles ~ but by god they were stiff, I could barely get them to open and then closing them was no better, so their usefulness was limited. I kept them though, with occasional frustrated use and I tried to loosen them up many times over the years, without success. Then, I think as recently as last year I had another go at them, soaked with WD40, locked in the vice trying to waggle them loose, opening and closing them repeatedly until finally..... 🤬 aaargh! The buggers snapped shut and nipped the skin of one of my fingers which ended up with a ruddy great blood blister. In the recycling bin they went :cursing:. I do hope no-one at the recycling centre found them........


Legendary Member
Isle of Mull
During West Highland yachting week which is based here for 3 days every year I noticed the earth had been disturbed in a wooded area near the harbour. Could have been a body of course but I poked around and something appeared metallic underground.
Dug down a bit and found a nice newish looking outboard motor wrapped in a bin liner.
Reported this to the local police station and 6 months later I got a receipt for a new to me outboard motor.


Kilometre nibbler
I found a nice Topeak pump in the road. Well, it looked nice, but when I got it home and tried it, it didn't work. I want my money back.


As long as I breathe, I attack.
Quite a few years ago I found a bike frame in a local hedge bought it home contacted the Police and got told to keep it 3 months and then it was up to me what to do with it.
Frame number wasn't recorded anywhere as stolen. I bet these days you can't ring and talk to actual local police station.

indeed , i tried reporting a van parked on zebra crossing hatches every night a couple of weeks ago and after maybe half and hour of trying to find the correct category on the website for reporting stuff i gave up .Its like plod dont want you to report stuff :smile:
ended up on crimestoppers site to submit a report that made sense
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