Cheshire ride #2, Sat, 31st August, 2019 (100+ miles from Walkden, 120+ kms from Dunham)

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Puzzle game procrastinator!
@skudupnorth couldn't make the July version of the ride so @Littgull and I promised that we would try to squeeze another Cheshire forum ride in this year. The 3 of us have 31st August free, so we have chosen that day for it.

Based on interest in the other ride... Paging @GuyBoden, @Katherine, @Pennine-Paul, @Domus, @Pumpkin the robot, @Vantage, @Pale Rider?

Anybody else who fancies it is welcome to joins us. Browse through the thread for the July ride to get an idea of what to expect.

We will go out and back via the A57 this time (Roe Green Loopline, short stretch of Bridgewater canal towpath, Port Salford Greenway, A57 cycle path, Irlam locks, then road to Dunham). I have attached a GPX file showing that from Dunham to Walkden station. (Follow it in reverse for the outward leg.)

I have also attached a GPX file for the main loop (Dunham marina Dunham). Since we want to go to the Venetian Marina cafe again and don't want to ride through too many town centres, our options are fairly limited without going back to doing 200+ kms. I did toy with going out through Tatton Park but there are roadworks in the area on Saturday so I settled for pretty much the loop we did first time round, except for going through Mobberley rather than under the airport runway.

The main loop Dunham-Marina-Dunham is 124 km (77 miles) and the ride from Walkden to Dunham is 22 km (14 miles) so Walkden-Walkden will be 168 km (105 miles).

We will be starting early from Walkden to avoid the Park Run on the Roe Green Loopline. Littgull and I will be due to arrive by train at Walkden station at 08:15 so if you are meeting us there, aim to be ready waiting by just after 08:10. We will ride at a steady pace out to Dunham, aiming to get to 'the big tree' by 09:30. If you are meeting us there, aim to arrive by 09:25.

We will ride to the Venetian marina cafe on the Shropshire Union canal near Colmondeston for lunch, 77/55 km (48/35 miles) into the ride. That should be at around 13:00, so carry enough food and drink to get you there from Walkden or Dunham.

After lunch we will head back via Beeston Castle and Delamere Forest. If you'd like another stop, we could do a detour into Weaverham before Acton Bridge. I have attached a GPX file for the short detour.

I have also attached GPX files for 2 shortcuts, just in case the weather turns evil on us. Both of them bypass the marina, leaving Weaverham as the only stop.

A word about speed ... As far as I'm concerned it will be fine for us to take our time and enjoy the ride, but I really hope to get back to Walkden before sunset, which is at 20:01 on Saturday. That gives us 11.75 hours to do our 168 km (105 miles), meaning that we have to average 14.3 kph (9 mph) overall, or about 17 kph (10.5 mph) moving average. There are undulations on the route but it isn't really hilly so those speeds should be achievable.

So... If you are someone who likes to race about, this ride will be too slow for you. If you like to really take your time and enjoy sightseeing, it could be too fast! We will be between those 2 extremes. It's your call.


  • Dunham-A57-Walkden.gpx
    9.8 KB · Views: 15
  • DmD loop 2 2019 shortcut 2.gpx
    2.8 KB · Views: 13
  • DmD loop 2 2019 shortcut 1.gpx
    3 KB · Views: 16
  • Dunham marina Dunham loop 2019 mark 2.gpx
    27.6 KB · Views: 16
  • Optional 2nd stop Weaverham.gpx
    2.2 KB · Views: 13
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It's a great route and we all had a very enjoyable time riding it earlier in July.

Looking forward to riding it and enjoying the company again in 10 days time.


Puzzle game procrastinator!
I'll be in work, supporting the economy. :sad:
Shame - it has been a while since you made it to one of my rides. I can't remember when it last was, but it must be years rather than months?

Have fun.
Thanks - we'll give it a good go!

The Manchester 100 is on the next day!
Come and do ours instead - no entrance fee! :laugh:

It's been 15+ years since I rode the M100. The riding of some of the participants was pretty appalling even when it was just the 100 miler - I saw abuse of motorists, abuse of slower riders, crashes due to stupid riding, and ridiculously dangerous red light jumping on those busy A-roads coming back to Wythenshawe Park.

It got worse when the 100 km version started being run on the same day. As one of the slower 100 mile riders, I used to catch up with 100 km riders after the routes merged. Inexperienced riders wobbling about is one thing, but suddenly stopping in a bunch in the middle of the road to answer the phone or eat a sandwich - seriously!!!? :wacko: (Honestly, I witnessed both, and scores of riders swerving all over the road to avoid the idiots...)


I would come, but currently nursing a broken radius. Off the bike now til October if you fancy rearranging it to then :laugh:


Puzzle game procrastinator!
I would come, but currently nursing a broken radius. Off the bike now til October if you fancy rearranging it to then :laugh:
Ouch - GWS! Bike accident?

October is getting a bit late in the year (in terms of hours of daylight) for imperial centuries by slow cyclists (such as me). It is also more likely that cold, wet and windy conditions would spoil the ride for fair-weather cyclists (such as me)! :whistle:


Carbon fibre... LMAO!!!
I would absolutely love to join you but I fear my towrope idea may not be 100% practical and as my puny legs struggle to propel me much faster than 10mph for long periods of time, I would inevitably end up slowing everyone down to a mind numbingly boring pace which would no doubt result in my impending death having been beaten to a pulp by disgruntled CC members with plastic sporks.
I think I'll have to miss this one and hope I gain some degree of leg muscle for the next 100 miler.
Hope the weathers better than it has been lately for you though.


Puzzle game procrastinator!
I would absolutely love to join you but I fear my towrope idea may not be 100% practical and as my puny legs struggle to propel me much faster than 10mph for long periods of time, I would inevitably end up slowing everyone down to a mind numbingly boring pace which would no doubt result in my impending death having been beaten to a pulp by disgruntled CC members with plastic sporks.
I think I'll have to miss this one and hope I gain some degree of leg muscle for the next 100 miler.
Hope the weathers better than it has been lately for you though.
We will probably end up averaging about 10-11 mph when moving, but it is true that we will be doing a fair bit more than that at times, say 14-20 mph.

We have had a mixed bag of weather this year so, yes, it would be good to have a nice day for this ride. We will do it unless horrendously bad weather looks very likely. We always have the option of shortening the route if things turn nasty.

I hope your health & fitness improve so you feel able to join us for future rides in that area!


Shame - it has been a while since you made it to one of my rides. I can't remember when it last was, but it must be years rather than months?

Thanks - we'll give it a good go!

Come and do ours instead - no entrance fee! :laugh:

It's been 15+ years since I rode the M100. The riding of some of the participants was pretty appalling even when it was just the 100 miler - I saw abuse of motorists, abuse of slower riders, crashes due to stupid riding, and ridiculously dangerous red light jumping on those busy A-roads coming back to Wythenshawe Park.

It got worse when the 100 km version started being run on the same day. As one of the slower 100 mile riders, I used to catch up with 100 km riders after the routes merged. Inexperienced riders wobbling about is one thing, but suddenly stopping in a bunch in the middle of the road to answer the phone or eat a sandwich - seriously!!!? :wacko: (Honestly, I witnessed both, and scores of riders swerving all over the road to avoid the idiots...)

Thanks for the invitation! I can't ride on Saturday mornings and I'm nt enthusiastic about riding 100 miles+.

Also I'm doing the Manchester 100km to help The Christie where my late sister in law had excellent treatment.

I did the 100 miler a few years ago, pleased to report that I didn't experience any of the problems you encountered.
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