Cervical Spondylosis/osteoarthritis

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Senior Member
Hi, I’ve just been diagnosed with Cervical Spondylosis with narrowing of the foramina at C5, 6 and 7 causing nerve root problems which affects both arms. One of the treatment options I’ve been given is to have the vertebrae fused. Does anyone have any experience of this and cycling. The fact I’ll probably be retired from work due to ill health and will therefore struggle financially doesn’t bother me as much as not being able to ride.
thank you for any insight you may have.


Making my way slowly uphill
We know someone who has had cervical spine fusion. They can ride a bike, but not a road bike. She rides a more upright bike with a mirror. The fusion means she can't lift her head into the right position to see up the road on a road bike, and can't look over her shoulders.

On the flip side a family member wishes she had had the fusion operation because of the symptoms she gets from the same condition you have.

Worth saying that the operation may not totally reverse all of your symptoms.

Wish you well


Senior Member
Thank you. I don’t mind what I ride, as long as I can still ride. Useful insight to the op not necessarily reversing all my symptoms. the really annoying thing is I had no symptoms until I was hit by a blind car driver in January last year whilst out on my bike.


Making my way slowly uphill
Thank you. I don’t mind what I ride, as long as I can still ride. Useful insight to the op not necessarily reversing all my symptoms. the really annoying thing is I had no symptoms until I was hit by a blind car driver in January last year whilst out on my bike.

If your symptoms come and go you are more likely to get relief from the operation. Permanent symptoms may indicate more permanent damage, but worth discussing this with your neurosurgeon if you can


Senior Member
At this stage I’m not sure what my options are. I’ve got a couple of appointments coming up with my MSK physio. My main symptom is because of the nerve root compression affecting both of my arms. so far it’s only happened once but I lost the use of both arms, which I confess I see as being a bit of a problem if it happens while I’m riding 😱


Making my way slowly uphill
At this stage I’m not sure what my options are. I’ve got a couple of appointments coming up with my MSK physio. My main symptom is because of the nerve root compression affecting both of my arms. so far it’s only happened once but I lost the use of both arms, which I confess I see as being a bit of a problem if it happens while I’m riding 😱

Hope that goes well. They may be able to answer some of your questions too


I had trapped nerves affecting my arms and the MRI showed cervical foraminal stenosis, I forget which vertebrae. It was only sporadic and mostly cleared up after I quit cycling, but I still get it a bit as I have quite poor neck posture (that comes from being tall). I never had any treatment for it.


Senior Member
both myself and my gp thought it might be a trapped nerve due to being knocked off my bike in January last year. Unfortunately that is not the case.


Legendary Member
If you are retired due to I'll health, it sounds like you have a good case to sue the car driver for loss of career earning etc


Senior Member
I’ll speak to my solicitor as my claim for that is still ongoing. I’m not sure I’d be able to anything tho as it’s a pre-existing condition. The arthritis hasn’t just pooped up because of the accident. Cheers for the thought tho.
Long shot - but you might want to try the exercises/stretches from the dynamic cyclist app ....you get a free 7 day trial - after that it's pretty expensive at £9 pm

Might be worth a go. It helps me but my issues aren't as significant as yours


Senior Member
I’m not sure what exercises I’ll be given but I’ve got an appointment with a physio coming up a I’ve initially gone for rehab. Not sure if I’m a bit too far down the road for that tho.
I’m not sure what exercises I’ll be given but I’ve got an appointment with a physio coming up a I’ve initially gone for rehab. Not sure if I’m a bit too far down the road for that tho.


But being a bit more flexible in never a bad thing IME
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