Are we being forced to go electric?

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It may have looked that way until he had to resign in 2018 to deal with fraud charges. He ended up stepping down as chairman for three years (Although he somehow remained the CEO) and was fined 20 million US $.

And at that point, Tesla hadn't made a profit.

The famous Musk tweets. He's a bit more careful to shoot from the hip with his tweets these days :laugh:

useful website for seeing the growth over last 4-5 years


And what the electricity supplied by these mega chargers is produced from.

In 2022, approximately 65% of the company's direct global electricity needs were met with renewable electricity, approximately 2,800 GWh

They're moving towards more renewable with wind and solar at production plants
The famous Musk tweets.

Not to mention Mars by 2018; Solar roof tiles, Starlink; rockets replacing aircraft; 250mph driverless pods in tunnels, which became 40mph Tesla taxis; and of course Hyperloop, which was recently dismantled to make way for a railway line.

And every year he promises "automatic Robo taxi's next year." Is the promise of 100% return on the investment still valid, I wonder?


Touch it up and ride it
Well I take the point but comparing Musk to Wellington is a stretch!

I have to stretch to pull my wellies on or I did the last time I wore them


Not to mention Mars by 2018; Solar roof tiles, Starlink; rockets replacing aircraft; 250mph driverless pods in tunnels, which became 40mph Tesla taxis; and of course Hyperloop, which was recently dismantled to make way for a railway line.

And every year he promises "automatic Robo taxi's next year." Is the promise of 100% return on the investment still valid, I wonder?

  • Don't fear failure — not failure, but low aim is the crime. ...
  • The one who falls and gets up is stronger than the one who never tried. ...
  • Do not fear mistakes. ...
  • Only those who dare to fail greatly can ever achieve greatly. — ...
  • One who fears failure limits his activities
  • Don't fear failure — not failure, but low aim is the crime. ...
  • The one who falls and gets up is stronger than the one who never tried. ...
  • Do not fear mistakes. ...
  • Only those who dare to fail greatly can ever achieve greatly. — ...
  • One who fears failure limits his activities

Thare's a big difference between trying and failing , and making massively hyped up claims about your prodiuct and claiming it can do things it can't.
One is trying and failing, the other is a con.
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