Air Fryer ?

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I never use the main oven nowadays.I find it a pointless power hungry appliance for cooking for just me.The air fryer through gets used all the time..It's cheaper and quicker and more convenient


Smash the cistern
My air fryer is working very well. The pressure cooker on the other hand...

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Cake or ice cream? The choice is endless ...
I use my Ninja more than the main oven, in fact, the grill is often the only reason to keep the oven.


We have the Ninja and it gets used a lot...
Bacon does well in it, makes a mess but we clean ours after every use.
Sausages, ditto.
Breaded or battered fish steaks, fish cakes etc etc, all done in an airfryer.
Chips...not really, we don't generally eat frozen chips and there's no substitute for deep fried proper chips.
Roast potatoes do well, but they're different than proper roast. Nice still, but different.
Wouldn't do without one.


We have the Ninja and it gets used a lot...
Bacon does well in it, makes a mess but we clean ours after every use.
Sausages, ditto.
Breaded or battered fish steaks, fish cakes etc etc, all done in an airfryer.
Chips...not really, we don't generally eat frozen chips and there's no substitute for deep fried proper chips.
Roast potatoes do well, but they're different than proper roast. Nice still, but different.
Wouldn't do without one.

Mrs Tkk does " Normal " chips in our air fryer. Peel the spuds and then cut theem into chips with a handheld crinkly blade gubbins that she purchased specifically for the job. Rinse then pat dry with a tea towel before spraying with oil and chucking them in the air fryer. They come out really well ( though potato variety makes a difference)


Legendary Member
We don't have one , but we do enjoy the slow cooker

I brought my slow cooker to Denmark over 20 years ago and use it a lot in summer when I work in the garden. Jannie had never seen one before. I do not think they sell them in Denmark.
No air fryer here; I had a think about it but realised that it really wouldn't be much different from my mini oven - bought from Lidl over five years ago for about £25.
It entirely replaces my full-size oven, which now stores my chopping board, induction burner (when I need the space for rolling out doughs), baking 'tins' (both metal and silicon), clean teatowels and various other kitchen bits and bobs.


Legendary Member
Fried egg on toast !!
I went with one of the 'google' recipes which was..... ....
Slice of bread
Use a glass/mug to create an indent
Butter both sides (not sure why)
Put raw egg on and cook at 170° for 8 minutes.
My findings........
White was still runny so another 2 mins at 215°.
Next time I will do 8 mins at 200°.
Still enjoyed it and didn't mess a frying pan with oil.


Legendary Member
Fried egg on toast !!
I went with one of the 'google' recipes which was..... ....
Slice of bread
Use a glass/mug to create an indent
Butter both sides (not sure why)
Put raw egg on and cook at 170° for 8 minutes.
My findings........
White was still runny so another 2 mins at 215°.
Next time I will do 8 mins at 200°.
Still enjoyed it and didn't mess a frying pan with oil.

As an alternative... I have one of these, takes about 5 minutes to fry an egg from start to finish (as long as the bread takes to toast), 2 minutes to wash up if that (if I'm feeling lazy, it goes in the dishwasher)


In fact you've inspired me to a fried egg sarnie for my lunch


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