Have taken these wheels off my bike, as they were feeling a tad rough and I have been using my Carbon rims during the "Summer".
Having just set up my old iMac out the garage, I thought I might look at Campag's tech docs for cleaning and greasing the bearings.
Didn't realise how simple a job it was. One side was a lot drier than the other, so might explain the rougher feeling. Not test ridden yet, but certainly feels better spinning the wheel in the fork and spin a lot longer too.
Rear wheel needs the freewheel removing, but is the same process aside from that. No great shakes there either then. Happy Days.
Having just set up my old iMac out the garage, I thought I might look at Campag's tech docs for cleaning and greasing the bearings.
Didn't realise how simple a job it was. One side was a lot drier than the other, so might explain the rougher feeling. Not test ridden yet, but certainly feels better spinning the wheel in the fork and spin a lot longer too.
Rear wheel needs the freewheel removing, but is the same process aside from that. No great shakes there either then. Happy Days.