Smokin Joe
- Location
- Bare headed cyclist, Smoker
How many of The Undead do we have on the forum whose continued existence is only due to an expensive polystyrene cap?
I wear a lid and it hasn't saved my life, I got a nasty crack on the head from a low branch once and the helmet saved me. But to be truthful I only hit it because I didn't factor in the extra height of the helmet.
So in fact the helmet was to blame ?
No - since I started wearing a hemet 15years ago I have never been involved in an incident that was severe enough to test the life saving properties of a helmet - however, I have had 5 incidents where the helmet has come into play where if i had not been wearing it I am certain that I would have required hospital treatment - as it was - I was able to get up, dust myself off, check the damage to the rest of me and continue on my way
I am also certain that I am not the only person who has avoided injury in this manner - no hospital = no accident statistic - to quote a friend of mine who works in road safety "who sees trees falling in the forest"
so statistics are only provided by those whos injury is severe enough to warrent a visit to the hospital