Women v Cancer Ride the Night 2016

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Active Member
Is anyone else participating in this charity ride? I believe that the entry has now closed but I signed up over Xmas by myself as none of my friends have a bike or would cope with this challenge!

May 28th 2016 9-10pm start
Starting at Windsor Racecourse
Money goes to 3 womens Cancer charities.

Just wondered how people are getting on with training :-)


Priest of the cult of Chris Rea
Leafy Surrey
Not me - wrong gender!
But I did a similar event for Macmillan in 2014 and like you ended up in a team of 1. That did cause an occasional motivational wobble, but nothing serious.

I didn't even have a working road bike, and rarely cycled more than 10 miles on my mountain bike - usually on a sunny summer weekend!
Riding in winter was alien to me, and the 60 mile night-ride was a daunting prospect. I started with 5 mile training rides, and increased this gradually until I was happy with 20-30 miles on a Sunday morning. From there, 30-40 wasn't a big jump, but adding a shorter midweek ride of 10ish miles really helped.
My training 'peak' was only about 50 miles a week, and that was more than sufficient.

For night riding, think about clothing (warmth, waterproofing, visibility) and lighting (particularly battery life).


Active Member
For night riding, think about clothing (warmth, waterproofing, visibility) and lighting (particularly battery life).
Slowly building up distance but been delayed with an arm injury-boo.But you reminded me about taking few spare batteries - something I would easily not have thought of!
I just checked out the website http://www.ridethenight.co.uk/. You're braver than me: not the night riding or the distance, but that much pink makes me nauseous. I threw up a bit in my mouth


Sorry. I can't really criticise: they have sold out all 3 of 4 waves already, so the colour scheme obviously works for most.

Should be a good ride, it's an area I've ridden through quite a lot, often with @vickster.

Pity you don't go through richmond park, but that would probably be too hazardous at night, as your average cycle lights wouldn't pick up deer in the road very well. Without that, it's pancake flat (depending on the route through Windsor, there's potential for a serious climb there), you could hardly get a 100km that was flatter.

Enjoy the training and the ride.



Legendary Member
Wouldn't be my thing, don't like cycling in the dark if I can avoid it. Not that I'll be allowed anywhere near a bike in May :sad:

Good luck. How's the elbow now?


Active Member
Good luck. How's the elbow now?
The elbow has had bad days and good, but getting there :smile: It's been a month now and close to driving again and getting back on my bike!! Hurrah!

I just checked out the website http://www.ridethenight.co.uk/. You're braver than me: not the night riding or the distance, but that much pink makes me nauseous. I threw up a bit in my mouth

The pink doesn't settle well with me either but I hoping with it being dark it might not be AS bad!

Back on an exercise bike for training.... but it is good to know that it is a nice enough route :smile:


Active Member
The pink wouldn't be my choice but anything for a good cause!

I've signed up for this and only managed to get in the 10pm start. I'm not sure how I'm going to get on - I'm normally asleep by then!!

I've left my training really late and hope that I can get my fitness levels up to make sure I complete the distance. I'm glad to hear that the route is flat as it's the hills that always kill me. I've been training mainly on a trainer as I'm not confident in the wet. I'm not sure whether to ride my road bike or whether I would be better borrowing dh's hybrid in case the weather isn't great. The tips are a great help - particularly building up the distances.

Snizzlepops - I hope your elbow is getting better. Lazybloke - how long did it take you and did you take any breaks through your ride?


Active Member
I've left my training really late and hope that I can get my fitness levels up to make sure I complete the distance. I'm glad to hear that the route is flat as it's the hills that always kill me. I've been training mainly on a trainer as I'm not confident in the wet. I'm not sure whether to ride my road bike or whether I would be better borrowing dh's hybrid in case the weather isn't great. The tips are a great help - particularly building up the distances.

Snizzlepops - I hope your elbow is getting better.QUOTE]

Elbow is getting there :blush:, but don't worry about your training, I am only just sorting myself out and getting on a exercise bike to get myself ready for it!! Have you sorted out your own fitness plan or have you taken a look at their suggested plan? I have looked at their and adapting around life and see what I can get done!

I think I am on the 10.30 run(so much later than I would want - that's my bedtime!) but maybe see you there!


Active Member
Well the training paid off and I successfully completed the 65 miles. It was an amazing experience riding with 3000+ women for Women V Cancer. A brilliant cause and I have already signed up for next year.
@Snizzlepops @Jools

Congrats. And good work.

You are now ready to ride with the Fridays. They go about once a month from Hyde Park Corner, to the seaside. Distance is similar, thought route is lumpier, as there are always some hills. Atmosphere is presumably different, but friendly too. Few riders (30-100) but they stay close together, so you are never on your own. Next one in a couple of weeks ...


(this one includes Ditchling Beacon, with may come as a bit of a shock after following the Thames.)


Active Member
You are now ready to ride with the Fridays. They go about once a month from Hyde Park Corner, to the seaside. Distance is similar, thought route is lumpier, as there are always some hills. Atmosphere is presumably different, but friendly too. Few riders (30-100) but they stay close together, so you are never on your own. Next one in a couple of weeks ...


(this one includes Ditchling Beacon, with may come as a bit of a shock after following the Thames.)

Very tempting as I really want to do more big cycling events/routes and would like to do London-Brighton, but since the night ride a week ago I have suffered with a horrible cold :sad: It kicked in on my last hour of cycling at 5am! Nevertheless, this is still tempting!


Getting there, one ride at a time.
Well the training paid off and I successfully completed the 65 miles. It was an amazing experience riding with 3000+ women for Women V Cancer. A brilliant cause and I have already signed up for next year.
Many congrats, I am signing up for this next year too :smile:
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