Winter tyres

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New Member
Beside the road
I've near enough worn out my current tyres (GP4000's).
Before I buy another set has anyone get any better suggestions?

The bike will be commuted on with heavy panniers during the week and then used for FAST club runs at weekends.

Although I want the tyres to be reasonably puncture resistant it's very important that they roll along swiftly. I have enough trouble keeping up on the club runs as it is.
These should be all right:

Just make sure you don't fall off in front of them! :tongue:;)


New Member
Bury, Lancashire
Bontrager race light hard case.
They are not the lightest but honestly, they are the best I've tried and are decent enough for weekend rides. I commute 26 miles every day with them on my fixed and I have done a few weekend rides on them including a winter 200km with no probs. A big plus is also that they are not at all expensive either. Have been riding the same ones since December 2007 and they show little wear.


New Member
Beside the road
I'm looking for somewhere selling the conti 4 seasons cheaply.

I've found the gp4000 tyres for about £35 on ebay, which makes them cheaper than than Blondes Hardcases.


I know I always say this on the tyre threads but for a good winter tyre (and I use mine exactly as you do RedBike) I reccommend Deda Tre Grintas- I've been riding them for a fair while nowand think they're brilliant. They were also rated 'Best Winter Tyre' by Top Velo last winter. Unfortunately the only place I now you can get them in the UK is Ribble, but they are only a tenner piece (and worth much more I'd say).
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