Today, i are mostly wearing..
Ron Hill Bikesters, with Aldi winter bib longs over the top. The glory of the bibs are they keep your hips and sides warm. For the price...brilliant. Looks wise...not too bad for commuting. Not briilliant, but ok.
Normal thermal long sleeve vest under my tshirt and work jumper, with an
Altura Nevis Jacket.
Nike cycling cap. Just covers the like a skulll cap. Very good.
Bolle Viper 'safety' glasses. Cheap, look ok, and keep the stingy cold out of your eyes. These are my favourite thing for the (about £5)and very very effective.
For commuting, i often wear a pair of latex examination style gloves under my winter gloves...they keep the warmth in your hands. A bit sweaty if you push hard and get hot...but generally, they make a huge difference.
Altura Nevis jacket...between £35 and £50
Aldi bibs..i think they were £12
Nike cap...about £15
Thermal shirt...get them from anywhere...about £3
Bolle Vipers..local engineering suppliers etc (or
ebay)..about £5
Latex gloves..between £3 and £6..useful for bike maintenence..and not go there
Ron Hill Tracksters or Bikesters...about £15 to £25.
I had 3/4 hour commute tonight..i can honestly say, apart from very sliightly cold hands and feet...toasty warm otherwise.