I have a standard hybrid bike. The current wheels are 700 and the current tyres are 700x38. The wheels are not quick release. I would like to swap out my current front wheel for a quick release wheel, so I can fit it into my car more comfortably.
I did purchase, on a well known auction site, a front wheel but the seller informed that it would only take tyres up to 25mm width (the seller has been very helpful in this matter). It was my mistake, I didn't realise 700 wheels came in different widths. Anyway...
The seller has stated they have another wheel that would fit my tyre. The seller has stated the wheel is the following:
1) Designed for disc brakes but can be used for rim brakes too (which is what my bike has).
2) It is a front wheel and quick release (which is what I require).
3) The seller has stated the wheel has some scuffs around the rim, from storage, that need smoothing out. I'm a novice with bikes and don't know how to smooth a rim out, or if the wheel is safe for tyre once it has been smoothed.
Please see the attached photos for the wheel.
I can get this wheel for £24 delivered. With the wheel being designed for disc brakes and the scuffs on the rim - should I still buy it? and is it suitable for my tyre size (700x38)?
Do you know of an alternative quick release front wheel with black rim and black spokes, suitable for 700x38 tyres for sale? It doesn't need to be light or fancy. Just safe!
Your advice will be greatly appreciated.
I have a standard hybrid bike. The current wheels are 700 and the current tyres are 700x38. The wheels are not quick release. I would like to swap out my current front wheel for a quick release wheel, so I can fit it into my car more comfortably.
I did purchase, on a well known auction site, a front wheel but the seller informed that it would only take tyres up to 25mm width (the seller has been very helpful in this matter). It was my mistake, I didn't realise 700 wheels came in different widths. Anyway...
The seller has stated they have another wheel that would fit my tyre. The seller has stated the wheel is the following:
1) Designed for disc brakes but can be used for rim brakes too (which is what my bike has).
2) It is a front wheel and quick release (which is what I require).
3) The seller has stated the wheel has some scuffs around the rim, from storage, that need smoothing out. I'm a novice with bikes and don't know how to smooth a rim out, or if the wheel is safe for tyre once it has been smoothed.
Please see the attached photos for the wheel.
I can get this wheel for £24 delivered. With the wheel being designed for disc brakes and the scuffs on the rim - should I still buy it? and is it suitable for my tyre size (700x38)?
Do you know of an alternative quick release front wheel with black rim and black spokes, suitable for 700x38 tyres for sale? It doesn't need to be light or fancy. Just safe!
Your advice will be greatly appreciated.