Wiggle - Have they gone mad?

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New Member
Gosport hants
I have for the second year running been trying to buy a wind resistant cycle jersey from Wiggle. Last year it went on and on and in the end ...no jersey. This year I have tried the same, a delay in despatch meant I was not here to receive. Oh what a palavah! When they did get it to me.....guess what? Wrong item. I am finally closing my account of 4 years running as they will not show any flexibility in their procedures. They just do not care! Watch Out wiggle. Firms that operate like this go bust! Any suggestions for a warm jersey ? from a supplier that actually delivers?


I have the dhb windslam roubaix jersey which is great... you can get it from wig... oh
Wiggle seem to have lost their edge in price and service. A few years ago they were my "go to", but now its more likely to be crc, evans or high on bikes on ebay.
Very occasionally Wiggle can actually be cheaper but not often, I found CRC for a while though was cheaper but not always! Recently I finding crc is only marginally cheaper usually if I check out Ribble or PBK I can get what I want for a more acceptable price. I've never used ebay though!


Legendary Member
I find bikesyoulike are competitively priced and very good service :smile:

I only occasionally use Wiggle. My MTB came from CRC but the first time bought from them in ages. Evans can have some very good deals with vouchers and quidco
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