Why can't I upload photos?

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Formerly known as DavidDecorator
I have looked at the knowhow post and it clearly states put the cursor where you want the photo to appear then click upload file. So I type my message, put the cursor where I want the photo to appear in the reply box and there is no button to upload photo. In the little box at the top it says insert media and when I click on that it wants something called a URL and not a photo from my computer. Why can't I just browse files and attach a photo to my posts that way or does this not work on Windows Vista. Sometimes people ask for photos when I'm trying to explain something and I have no way of putting them there. I don't understand and can't take part properly. :cry:


Tattooed Beat Messiah
Rides Ti2
you are pressing the wrong button. The URL button is for a web link. You need to press the button next to it on it's left. (Insert/edit image)
I think he needs to press "upload a file" to the bottom right of the text editor and then when uploaded, click on "Full image" or "Thumbnail" as appropriate.

Both the "media" and "image" insert buttons request a URL.


Tattooed Beat Messiah
Rides Ti2
I think he needs to press "upload a file" to the bottom right of the text editor and then when uploaded, click on "Full image" or "Thumbnail" as appropriate.

Both the "media" and "image" insert buttons request a URL.

Doh Of course, it want's an image from the web, either a pic from a website or from something like flikr or Picassa.


Formerly known as DavidDecorator
I've just figured out what was wrong. My computer was set to the mobile phone setting. Now how that happened is anybody's guess. I wonder if I can put a photo of me as my avatar.
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