Who to join?

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Active Member
Always meant to join a cycling organisation when I got my commuting bike but let things slip.

As a London cycle commuter who will be doing some short touring and weekend long fitness rides is there an organisation that suits that profile of rider? 3rd party insurance and legal

Looking at the CTC and LCC. Any others worth considering?


Started young, and still going.
Hi there Moda, you have just about got it there. Many local, normally borough based groups for the LCC. Also, local CTC groups around. You could have a look at the British Cycling website. You would get 3rd party insurance and the legal help as well.


Active Member
Thanks had completely forgotten about British Cycling. They seem to offer all the benefits I'd like and it can't be ignored that membership is substantially cheaper than the other 2 I've mentioned.

I'd like to go on one of the Friday night rides to Brighton when commitments allow. Does BC membership preclude this? as I keep hearing about CTC in connection with the Friday night rides.
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