Which freewheel removers do i use

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Which freewheel removers do I use to remove these freewheels ? I guess both will need different removers because if you look closely they are different



Are you re-using the freewheels or throwing them away? The other thing is that the cost of getting the lbs to take them off is often cheaper than buying the removal tool.

Both look like internal spline jobbies to me.



Are you re-using the freewheels or throwing them away? The other thing is that the cost of getting the lbs to take them off is often cheaper than buying the removal tool.

Both look like internal spline jobbies to me.


I hope to re-use them if possible


Hard to say from those photos but it looks like splined centre to me.

How old are they? If they are reasonably recent, you will probably find a Shimano tool fits. The correct advice is to find a decent long established bike shop and ask them to do it for you.

However, I've successfully removed and re-used freewheels after using a blunt chisel to drive it round to unscrew it (works best when you've got notches in them) but do so at your own risk. I cracked a hard to replace 4 speed cyclo block trying to do this.

If you have access to a decent vice, it is also perfectly possible to unscrew the bearing race (left hand thread) and dismantle the freewheel (do this over the top of something to collect ball bearings, pawls, springs and anything else that might fall out) and then grip the body tightly in the vice paying attention to where you grip it, choose somewhere where a few vice marks won't affect functionality, and unscrew using the wheel as a lever. Then wash the ball bearings, clean the races and re-assemble it all with fresh grease with some light oil on the pawls and springs and have a beautiful smooth running freewheel. People will say they can't be re-assembled but I've done it many time - just pay attention to how it came apart in the first place and exercise patience and a steady hand.

Tim Hall


Yebbut 40 seconds into the video the commentary says "you destroy the freewheel." The OP wants to re-use his.


The Glue that binds us together.
It's just to give the him an idea how it comes apart, He does not have to destroy it, The way Wester is talking it sounds like he has a bit of common sense so he will use the clip to help him.:wacko:


I hope to re-use them if possible
Re-use them ?
Do you just want to service them and are they staying on the same hubs once done ?
If they're playing up and they are staying on the same hub, undo the lockring with the wheel laid flat over a cloth to collect everything that falls out.
Remove the sprockets, the inner will stay on the hub of course, clean everything, re-fit the pawls, run a layer of grease where the bearings sit (2 different sizes, lots of them, inner and outer IIRC) lay the balls in the grease to hold them, the carefully offer the sprockets to the hub, turning the sprockets slightly at the final point to engage the pawls.
Havnt done it in years (decades even) but it used to be reasonably straightforward.
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