bazzadigz C+
Senior Member
Hey folks,
Its been a while since I have been on here but im getting back into cycling again so this is my first port of call
I used my works ride2work scheme last year to order a Montague Paratrooper bike but after a 6 month wait for the bike I wanted it never arrived. As a gesture of good will I was offered the chance to get a bike that was worth more than the original.
After alot of searching (Brompton, Dahons, Birdy Etc) I chose the Dahon Vitesse P18 (mainly cost vs gear ratios vs quality).
Unfortunatly I never bothered to read the weight restrictions on the bike and it was only after I had recovered from injury I read the instruction pack. It states that the maximum rider weight should be 230lbs (16st 5ish). I was weighed as 262lbs (18st 10lbs) but have managed too get that down too 245lbs (17st 13lbs).
So my question is, how much more weight should I lose before commuting on my Dahon? I heard that the manufactures maximum and the true maximum are between 10-20% so when they say 230lbs its more of a legal notice and the maximum is really 253lbs (18st 1ish)
Im hoping to get my weight down to 13st and feel cycling will be the catalyst.
Any help warmly accepted
Its been a while since I have been on here but im getting back into cycling again so this is my first port of call

I used my works ride2work scheme last year to order a Montague Paratrooper bike but after a 6 month wait for the bike I wanted it never arrived. As a gesture of good will I was offered the chance to get a bike that was worth more than the original.
After alot of searching (Brompton, Dahons, Birdy Etc) I chose the Dahon Vitesse P18 (mainly cost vs gear ratios vs quality).
Unfortunatly I never bothered to read the weight restrictions on the bike and it was only after I had recovered from injury I read the instruction pack. It states that the maximum rider weight should be 230lbs (16st 5ish). I was weighed as 262lbs (18st 10lbs) but have managed too get that down too 245lbs (17st 13lbs).
So my question is, how much more weight should I lose before commuting on my Dahon? I heard that the manufactures maximum and the true maximum are between 10-20% so when they say 230lbs its more of a legal notice and the maximum is really 253lbs (18st 1ish)
Im hoping to get my weight down to 13st and feel cycling will be the catalyst.
Any help warmly accepted