When is it too windy?

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Peter Armstrong

Über Member
Probably when it gets like this..



Active Member
yeah it's 20mph here too (Manchester) so decided to get the bus to work, but walking about it didn't seem all that windy so I'm thinking I should've risked it...


Rollin' along
Manchester way
its a personal call to make, what strength wind are you happy gritting your teeth and pedalling into married to, if you are on a road, are you happy and confident in your ability to respond to a gust that would blow you under a trucks wheels in the worst case.


I hate cycling when it is windy. Turns what should be a pleasure into such hard work.
Different thresholds though for cycling to work (will only take the car as a very last resort) or cycling for fun (if I'm not going to enjoy it, I won't go)
I use the Met Office weather app. Not only does it show wind strength but strength of gusts too.
Think I'll be on the turbo under the Christmas tree watching Wallace and Grommit today!

Dave 123

Legendary Member
I picked my lad up from work yesterday afternoon and stuck his bike in the car. It was too windy, but the main reason is that our ride from cambridge to hardwick takes us up Madingley hill where the most dodgy, spindly 30-40 foot trees grow in the hedge, and quite often fall over.

It is the uncontrollable elements that I'm not keen on. I might just find out who owns the trees in question.


New Forest
When the windsock couldn't decide what direction the wind was blowing from, and the meter at work was recording gusts over 50mph. To the extent that they were having problems weighing off lorries because they were rocking on the weighbridge (which is mostly sheltered).
I called home for a lift.


Über Member
According to the Met Office there are currently 20mph SW winds with 35mph gusts.

I am just about to head out and try and break my max distance by 1 mile on a brand new route. My new route avoids a direct SW facing element instead triangulating around it, as I can bear a crosswind more than trying to cycle at it! It's only 23 miles, but I also have no means to fix a puncture so perhaps I am just a fool!
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