We don't check the PM box for the moderators account on any sort of schedule. If there's something specific you want to discuss, just PM me.
If it's in relation to a particular thread, then use the Report Post feature to send us details of something you're not happy with.
We usually discuss reported posts, decide whether we feel anything needs doing, and then take whatever action we feel is appropriate. Sometimes we will decide to wait and see how a thread develops, and other times we will decide not to take any action at all. PM'ing everyone about every reported post would both take up a good deal of volunteer moderators time, and also cause countless issues when people disagree with our decisions so we generally don't do it.
I expect I know which thread has prompted your posting of this thread, however I haven't had time to read it as yet because I've been busy with personal matters this week.
I will have a read and see what I think later on this evening.