wheelbuilding: hubs

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Scilly Suffolk

Über Member
I've been practicing on some old wheels and feel confident enough to step-up and build a new pair.

Two questions:
1) 32 or 36 hole: I'm no heavier than 85kg and only ride on the road.
2) I'd like to use wide flanged hubs (purely for cosmetic reasons), either new or vintage: can you recommend brands/models to look out for or avoid.

Thanks in advance.


Ride It Like You Stole It!
South Manchester
32 I'd say - I'm using 32's to commute on, with loaded panniers.

Hubs - have a look out for Forumla or Miche in polished alloy. Both cheap, but use cartridge bearings which are not only smooth, are easy to replace.


Legendary Member
Chandler's Ford
I initiated a long discussion about spoke numbers in "another place" - there are some interesting & valid points made there.
In the end I went for 32 front / 36 rear.... So it meant not buying the hubs as a pair which is a pain in the @$$ but you can sometimes pick up some good deals. I think I ended buying one from Wiggle and t'other from CRC.
Scilly Suffolk

Scilly Suffolk

Über Member
I think it was a Sheldon Brown piece I read, where it was stated that, in an ideal set-up, the front should have a lower spoke count than the rear, as it was under less stress.

I've been leaning towards that set-up and as I'll likely be sourcing second-hand hubs, it shouldn't be too much of a problem.
I think it was a Sheldon Brown piece I read, where it was stated that, in an ideal set-up, the front should have a lower spoke count than the rear, as it was under less stress.

Well, yeah, with bikes there are a hundred-and-one variations in the way of doing most things.

What's the bike being used for? What's important to you?

If you want belt-and-braces go for 36h with a strong rim. But 32h will probably be fine, and less on the front.

but use cartridge bearings which are not only smooth, are easy to replace.

I like cartridge bearing hubs.
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